Since OpenNIC resolvers are user-run, doesn’t that mean a bad actor could theoretically pop up at any time and log any request that goes through them?
Since OpenNIC resolvers are user-run, doesn’t that mean a bad actor could theoretically pop up at any time and log any request that goes through them?
Rowling owns the rights to the Harry Potter IP, a fact that can easily be verified using multiple sources with a simple search. As such, she makes royalties on every single use of the IP.
And BTW, no one denied that she makes any money from it, they just denied that it matters.
I also never made the claim that denying that she makes money makes you an “outright transphobe” (a phrase I also never said, despite your quotes.) I stated that denying the relevance or existence of transphobia is the same as a tactic used by racists.
Everything you just said, and everything you attributed to me, actually only happened in your own head. At first I thought you might just be confidently incorrect, but the absolute depth of your lies makes the truth clear.
Opaquely lying like this is also a tactic used by various types of bigot. It’s called a “straw man argument,” is an unethical tactic that adds nothing to the debate, is a favorite of bigots everywhere, is generally applied when one has no real argument, and is only effectively applied in far less obvious manners than this.
I see your position, my response was more a vent about the thread in general up to this point, and people like a few users up there (who I chose not to name), who would prefer to pretend the matter doesn’t exist at all. I wouldn’t consider people like that allies. They’re closer to the group of racists who like to claim that racism doesn’t exist any more. In fact, this thread follows the description of “refuting” found in this article very well.
The fact is, that was my point from the beginning. It literally started with “No, Harry Potter and transphobia are not totally separate issues,” (albeit in a sarcastic manner returning the energy I was initially met with) which is a concept that immediately drew vitriol.
Your response seemed genuine, but also seemed to miss the point, which is why you caught my venting.
Edit: Right here is the absolute most out-and-out example of what I’m talking about in this thread. A comment made up strictly of easily verifiable falsehoods. An obvious, poorly-thought-out straw man argument, and users are still upvoting that despite how blatant it is. There is a genuine transphobia problem in this thread.
Not at all. In fact, denial is a common tactic. See the “racism doesn’t exist” crowd for a prime example. I think you’ll find it’s full of racists.
Well, someone said terfs had nothing to do with Harry Potter, I said the IP is owned by a terf who makes millions from it, and you said “Yawn,” so… Yeah, pretty much.
Put simply, a terf owns the IP, money flows back to her. Outright denial of this fact is borderline transphobic itself.
You’re borderline if you’re happy to sit around and pretend (and publicly claim to others) it has nothing at all to do with Harry Potter as a series.
Ya know what the absolute funniest thing about this is? This all started with the question of “What does transphobia have to do with Harry Potter?”
Can’t help but notice that every answer but mine has been “nothing.” Super interesting response right there. And every response to my explanations that, yes, Rowling is a transphobe, and yes, she does profit from this, has been overwhelmingly negative. Super duper interesting I’d say.
To summarize this thread, “Yeah, fuck transphobia, but fuck you if you remind me that it is, in fact, relevant to Harry Potter!”
What a long-winded way of telling me you want to support transphobia.
The people you just named, ya know, other than your favorite bigot, you know how they tend to get paid? Paychecks. One and done. Generally, they don’t get royalties. They might get paid for future projects from that cash, assuming the publisher brings them back or owns them, but as far as straight cashflow goes, that money is going to two places: executives and rights owners.
Just admit you’re transphobic, it’s a lot easier.
Where does the money flow, bud? One way or another, you’re supporting her and her transphobic views
Gee, what could a game in a series created by a terf have to do with terfs? Scientists will ponder this for years. I mean, it’s not like J.K. Rowling owns the I.P. and makes millions of dollars per year from things like this, right?
Edit: TL;DR
Rowling consistently makes passive income on all Harry Potter products. Multiple sources have cited that Rowling earns anywhere between $50 million to a $100 million each year from royalties. Forbes estimated she earned $95 million in 2017 alone.
Gallery-dl is another option.
all the way
Remember: Stealing from big, evil corporations is morally correct.
As soon as I heard of the mere plan to do this, I ditched Chromium altogether and went back to Firefox. Ultimately, I landed on the fork Floorp.
This isn’t a Windows thing, it’s a firmware thing. It’s HP’s doing, and HP is well known for screwing with the usability of their devices. In my case, on my Victus, it’s F10 that opens UEFI, but the menus are incredibly stripped down. Looking online, F10 seems to be the key to access it on your device, too. Maybe you just aren’t getting the timing right, sometimes you gotta mash the absolute hell out of that button to get it to register. Once you do get it, setting a post delay will make it easier in the future.
TBH, the games and books provide enough worth for me. Got the newest Dean Koontz book at the beginning of this month.
I can’t speak to the specifics of it, but Bedrock and Java editions are functionally entirely different games. They’re designed to function nearly the same, but under the hood, the only real similarities are in the graphical assets. Past the user interaction, they’re not really comparable at all.