I’ve heard many folks suspect it. It’s a widespread, if weakly substantiated concern.
This is how you died
It’s the brows
“I’m funny how, I mean funny like I’m a clown?”
I’m totally speculating, but if he’s been on the run, he may not have changed his plans on certain… conclusions.
Unless he planned on not surviving
It was a funny thing for a spontaneous drunk girl to joke about with her friends on a night out.
It should have stayed there, it’s so overplayed now.
Brazen broad daylight, “professional” (in this case well prepared), targeted. Corporate or politically motivated
Realistically it’s a stylistic thing, as we’ve seen countless such videos of similar killings
Completely agree, but lots of folks here are cheering for what amounts to cartel style street assassination.
You installed filthy windows on the pure deck?
So good. The blind justice punch line always got me
Same as the “I wanna keeel!”
So why add the reverse feature now? If a need was identified, the tools presented to enact it, why do it in the shittiest way?
Looks like the fuckboi had merge without review privledge
I don’t understand why it wouldn’t be reversed. Everyone on the internet is fake until proven otherwise
No one is suggesting that.
Show your chat logs. I call bullshit.
Calling people out as “fetish like” for identifying with…anything… is a bad look.
A person’s perception of themselves, their identity or self image isn’t for you to qualify as being good enough
Realign on how you choose to spend your time
Probably shut down when someone shit in it