Nice, I might have to get one. Also, your name reminds me I have to buy more Borax.
Nice, I might have to get one. Also, your name reminds me I have to buy more Borax.
Isn’t most digital signage “SMART” too?
I don’t partake in first person shooters but, the message is clear with this. I appreciate the parallel draw to the call of duty game.
I hope they break up google. I’ll keep my fingers crossed. I’m remaining cautiously optimistic.
So Musk decided not to leverage this influence and instead acquiesced to a foreign government for funsies.
Sounds like him.
So in your mind the possibility of Musk being extradited could lead to those colossal outcomes?
The starlink thing died yesterday but, I can’t imagine a reaction this strong from the US financial sector or MAGA.
I disagree with the intensity of this response, if it were to happen.
I’m failing to see the connection with Brazil here.
What would the backlash be from the US financial sector?
Why would MAGA be mad about the US Government extraditing an African American?
Remember that time Musk expressed that he was in favor of free speech? Then he censored content on his platform for the Turkish government?
Why would the US strain their relationship with Brazil over Musk? Politically, it makes sense to extradite him.
Also imma need a citation on how extradition works, I searched the wiki and couldn’t find anything.
Oof, The ultimate “this you?”.
“It’s facilitated in part by a Job Development Investment Grant from the North Carolina Department of Commerce, which gives cash grants directly to a company when it creates jobs and invests in the state.”
I wonder if this makes it kind of like, although not equivalent to, a project labor agreement. I know North Carolina is a right to work state.
It would be nice for there to be union presence on a job this large. However small the chances of that may be.
Welcome back from your 6 month bad take hiatus.
My man is 100 right now. So the Jamaican dude was talking to 90 year old Webster.
More perfect union did a really great video about the exploitation. From what I can remember the crux of the argument goes roughly like this:
Kid plays game, kid is encouraged through game to create content for game. This content created by kid is sold through game to other kids. Kid who put the work into creating this gamemode is not compensated fairly.
The video goes on to explain a lot of other exploitative practices of roblox.
Yes I’m familiar with some of these letters
Thanks friend, for some reason I couldn’t find this when I was googling “boot Linux from thumb drive”. Much appreciated.
I’ve messed around with Linux before but, I can’t seem to find the time to relearn how to get a thumb drive of an easy distro on one. One day I’ll get the thing working.
Yes, he kicked down the Point Of Entry. Also, Power Over Ethernet is the best. It is known.
I really wish I knew what all these words meant. Then again that might ruin the childlike delight I get from my ignorance.
Is that a chocolate tea pot?