I wasn’t aware cigarettes contained any plastic at all
I wasn’t aware cigarettes contained any plastic at all
This same advice is true for the JavaScript situation as well sometimes
This has happened a few times were I find a solution on stack overflow, I go to upvote the answer and I get the error message “you can’t upvote your own post”
Yep, that was my answer to my own question from 5 years ago
Woof woof
Articles like this always have a photo of at least one device showing a giant logo of the company for some reason
Not all of them, no. Some are just to build or run development only tools.
It kinda happened for us, sometime messages wouldn’t send for an hour, and then a chat would just re-order all the messages so that nothing made sense any more.
A true holiday classic
Two very good but very different movies!
I came across a stack overflow recently about how to do something in a jasmine unit test. Someone gave a solution of “I just changed the test to
and now there are no errors!”