You wildly underestimate how stupid and/or ignorant people are.
Before you ask, the accent varies based on diet.
You wildly underestimate how stupid and/or ignorant people are.
Yep, you better charge these assholes up the wazoo, they more than earned it! Write that shit up so you’re taken care of. Make them understand that their stupidity is costly and their greed is short-sighted.
“Sheisse, Klaus, do you think ve should leave ze Nazi bar?”
It’s a bold strategy Cotton.
Except it is often more costly to do this in the long run, so it’s a fiscally stupid move that corporations seem to make over and over again.
I think part of what perpetuates it is, the people making the decisions don’t stay there long term, so they never really face the repercussions.
Some more stable places seem like they may have realized this though and keep things all or mostly in house.
They’ll get jobs as contractors fixing shitty AI code
They’ve been doing the same thing in IT for decades, just replace AI with outsourcing.
I deleted mine many years ago, 10/10 would recommend!
Just weeb things…
Just wanted to add: Could also do DNS based ad blocking but Ublock Origin, (some) VPNs, and PiHole are awesome!
That was once true, but I am now very skeptical of that with on-device processing that can log key words and send them without using much data or power.
“I don’t do it because it’s easy, I do it because I thought it would be easy.”
-OP maybe
Must’ve just been luck of the draw I guess, most of the posts seemed crypto related last time I looked
Neat but it loads really slow and there doesn’t seem to be much content beyond bitcoin stuff so far
Yoshi’s Crafted World is pretty ideal for a young kid, there’s a special mode for young kids too where you basically can’t fail.
This is a basic security measure, it is mind-blowing that they are taking this stance.
That’s the popular opinion IMO: Most people do not buy these kinds of phones.
They probably don’t understand how anything works because they think learning about stuff is wOkE