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Not a bill
WEP, war emergency power. Depends on the aircraft how long you could use it.
I thought one of the more effective tactics ransomware uses is that it lurks for long periods of time decrypting data on the fly, so that all the backups are encrypted as well for that time period.
Like how a million Floridians evacuated lol
You used to be able to order free discs of all Ubuntu variants. I remember having discs of dapper drake, edgy eft, and feisty fawn. You could order up to 10 and they would just show up in your mailbox for free to give all your friends so you could have workspaces to avoid getting in trouble at school.
Tenants, fyi
Mostly surprising they thought it was leaking hard enough to lift off.
Scaling is inconsistent, so if it’s your media PC, you may end up standing in front of the TV to configure things.
That makes sense, wouldn’t be that complicated that way.
I thought they go off of weight. How could they tell how dirty they are?
Try Language Transfer. It’s free and different in how it teaches.
I don’t need to take notes for work, but this seems great for documenting the home automation & media setup for my wife.
Trucking companies have switched the terms in the same way, since “accident” lightens responsibility. Even a not-at-fault crash could have been preventable often times, which is what they try to emphasize.
People are always going to adjust their risk upwards as technology gets safer. Even if all cars were self-driving and perfect, some pedestrian will push the bounds of physics, stepping out with no time to stop.
These drivers aren’t going to sleep or Tiktoking in the first 30 minutes. They are being lulled into complacency by a tech that generally does a good job, and they have been told by marketing that we are so close to FSD.
It’s just that what you’re saying is meaningless. There is no way to test things fully until you deploy them. If they did their best in private lots then said it is out of testing, then got in accidents, you would be saying they never tested functionality in the real world.
I mostly disagree with their pitch to the public and marketing. It should have been pitched as advanced cruise, the way many cars have. I think it has misled buyers into being entirely too trusting of the Autopilot for its current abilities.
You should go to another part of the comments, then, because over here we were discussing the application of the statistic.
That is silly to say. Cars themselves are a convenience technology.
Never heard of that, interesting