They aren’t challenging anything, don’t be delusional. But, hey, I can’t stop you from believing their narrative, (and in fairy tales) if that can make you happy.
I have no sympathy for GAFAM, nor for Mozilla.
They aren’t challenging anything, don’t be delusional. But, hey, I can’t stop you from believing their narrative, (and in fairy tales) if that can make you happy.
Major alternative? At 2.x% market share? You people are very delusional. By the way, the shitty market share is exclusively Mozilla’s fault, even if they’re always complaining about evil Google (while they take that sweet 500 M/years from that evil company and waste them on anything but fixing their shitty browser). Mozilla is ascummy/scammy company that should have died years ago. I’ll celebrate their fall.
Nope, they just follow the money (hint: Trump). And they were doing that before (i.e., pretending to be diversity-friendly). Corps have no ethics nor morals, the just follow the money.
Feel free to donate, then. For all I care…
Again, what you donate don’t fund FF development but goes toward Mozilla’s bullshit/activism/whatever/huge CEO paychecks. Who cares about that?
I for sure don’t. I will celebrate the day Mozilla disappears for good.
Yeah, because 500 M/year from Google are not enough. Gotta increase the CEO paycheck. Moreover, donations don’t even fund FF development.
Again, you do you.
Me on a RPi4.
More than 2 years with my personal domain and I can’t remember a single spam email… But you do you.
A catch-all domain address with whois privacy and hosted elsewhere helps a lot.
Couldn’t care less. I don’t use FB or Instagram.
If needed, I’d pay for debrid/vpn much more than I’d pay for some ‘legit’ streaming service, just out of spite.
There is nothing to justify.
I pirate because I want to see the world burn, among other things.
This. And the response to the “why?” for these fucks is always “money”, no matter how many word they use in their explanation.
Mistakes in my message? Maybe. I’m not a native speaker.
I know, but the UX is IMHO abhorrent.
Apple? LOL, the shit made into OS. I prefer Windows a million times. (I user Arch, BTW).
That’s fine, if they’re able to do so. That’s why I wrote “sometimes”. I frankly fail to understand people’s addiction to YT. What’s more, Id really like all those crap YT, Twitch and the likes to disappear for good and go back to “written” internet. In this shitty era, a lot of useful info is actually buried in a crap load of self promotion and blabbering on those platforms (which I refuse to use).
Well, sometimes you have to make choices: videos+ ads or nothing. Vote with your wallet, if you are to do so.
It amazes me how people apparently can’t live without watching shitty videos all the time… Oh, well.