I can’t even entrust my video games to a touch screen.
I can’t even entrust my video games to a touch screen.
Sony pretty much nailed it on their first try with PSVR.
“My cat stepped on the controller, your honor. I never actually saw or agreed to those terms.”
CNET: this parrot says a lot of things that seem accurate! Let’s have this parrot make articles for us!
Eh, I still think iPhones are pretty great and serve a purpose, but I do think apple has built their ivory tower way too high. I’m all for reining them in a bit.
Cue American conservative mouth-pieces growing hate-boners over VPNs in 3… 2…
Even as an avid Apple user, it just comes off as either sheer incompetence or disingenuousness to hear Apple wax such poetic over compromised security from alternative store fronts when macOS is just sitting there, having been doing it fine for generations.
I’m almost expecting Apple to deliberately self-sabotage iOS in the EU somehow just to make a point.
Which is…?
Edit: eh nvm. I have no idea what you’re on about, and clearly neither do you. Go ahead and keep stereotyping people if it makes you happy.
Not until you explain yourself. What’s up with the attitude?
Oh wow. Jumping straight to the ad hominems, are we? I usually only get that from people who really want to be right and don’t know how.
I’m no fan of meta, but I’m so used to seeing “but the children” get thrown about as a power play that I’m actually less inclined to believe Meta did anything wrong. Or at least any worse than expected.
I thought Reddit was down to just sell data to whoever was willing to pay for it. Where do 5th amendment protections fall under that circumstance?
Advertising existed fine before the tracking part became an entitlement.
For me it’s Jessica Chobot replacing the journalist in Mass Effect 2.
I wonder if their long-term game is to open their own storefront on PC to better compete with Steam and Microsoft.
I think if they were to do that, simultaneous PC releases would be far more likely.
Welp, this might be kbin for me. It’s the only circumstance I’ve really found a PWA necessary, although I’ve considered making PWAs of some online shops I frequent.
I suspect Apple is eliminating PWAs from safari in the EU just because they don’t want to be forced to allow 3rd party browsers to do the same. Let’s go ahead and throw the baby out with the bathwater.
I’ve actually got a U.S. apple account on an iPhone bought in Japan, and living in the EU temporarily. It’ll be interesting to see how this is going to play out for me.
I stay largely uninvolved with social media apps outside of this fediverse project, but why is it that bytedance must divest TikTok while meta is free to keep Facebook and Instagram? Aren’t the risks to mental health and security the same?