I work in a GI lab and one of the funniest things I heard when a patient was waking up was, “You guys were so good I’m coming back for another colonoscopy tomorrow!”
I work in a GI lab and one of the funniest things I heard when a patient was waking up was, “You guys were so good I’m coming back for another colonoscopy tomorrow!”
I don’t have a steam deck but I bet Ape Escape would be the perfect series to play on it!
I don’t know why but it’s so funny to me seeing Mary Poppins next to those other two movies lol
My roommate said that Dragon Age was going to be the most woke game and that he would never spend his money on a game published by EA. He bought it day 1 and beat it 3 times. He fucking loves that game.
The first time I went to one of those places I assumed they sold sushi by the piece not the roll. The way the menu worked, they gave you a paper menu and whatever you want you write a number next to that item and they give you that many servings. No where on the menu did it say that sushi was by the roll, which i think 8 or 20 pieces. But a serving of hibachi or fried rice was a couple of bites a serving. If all you wanted was hibachi, you could easily order 5. You could imagine my surprise when I saw my order after ordering 1 of every sushi.
Good to hear. I tried to start with 1, but just can’t do with those controls.
But are the devs going to take in the extra money or the ceo publishers?
The worst thing about a live service game to me is that they only work when you can connect to the official servers. Many live service games have shut down and there is no offline mode to continue playing. Sometimes you still pay full price for these games. Sometimes games like The Crew, shut down after you spent money to play it and then The Crew 2 comes out so you pay full price for essentially the same game and the first one doesn’t work anymore.
I don’t have a lot of experience with roguelike games. Before I even knew about the genre I played quite a bit of Spelunkey. As someone who loves Super Mario Bros I thought that game was great. I recently found Vagante and am having a lot of fun with it. It gives off Spelunkey vibes, but is more traditional fantasy.
There is little to no repercussions for Meta.
I meant to say fallen order isn’t 1:1 my bad for the typo
I agree that the bonfire mechanics and level design resemble dark souls, but the mechanics are nothing like dark souls to me. I’ve played all the games as well. Fallen order isisn’t 1:1 with those games, but closer to them than dark souls. Combat is very forgiving and cinematic. It was made to look like darksouls, but the combat didn’t come close. Maybe kingdom hearts combat would be a better comparison. Still easy to get fucked up if you don’t know what your doing, but once you get the hang of it you can just mow down everyone no problem
That wasn’t my experience with fallen order at all lol. I could mostly rush into any group of enemies because enemy attacks were predictable and very easy to dodge. The iframes felt more like the combo beat em up games and enemies generally attacked in turns unless they were all shooting then all you had to do then was hold the block button. On second thought I’d say it was maybe closer to kingdomhearts combat
Jedi fallen order is not souls like at all. People saw the “bonfire/leveling system” and proclaimed it as being soulslike. The gameplay is more akin to the Spiderman or Arkham Knight games
Surprised that it was so short?
That’s fair too. I’ll be honest I’m always going to be pessimistic as hell when it comes to anything amazon says and does. If it’s their money, make them pay up
Then give the tip in person. Don’t let amazon know they can count on their customers to carry the burden of paying their employees
I unfortunately watched the entire movie. I hadn’t heard of it before my girlfriend put it on for us. The entire time I thought it was a parody or a cheap marvel spinoff. When they butchered the famous uncle Ben line, I knew it had to be a joke. Even as a joke movie, the ending was abysmal. Then at the very end I found out it was actually a marvel movie lol
I loved this remake. I played the first one when I was about 12? Looking back that seems very young but it was one of the only games I completed at that age. I didn’t have internet in my room at the time so I printed the walk through from I think gamefaq lol. Had it holepunched and stored in a ring binder. Over 20 years later and it was really fun remembering events and areas in this remake even if they were slightly redesigned.
I was so salty after watching that movie. All the trailers billed it as a comedy. Maybe the first 10 minutes had me laughing. Bored to tears after that.