I didn’t realize it wasn’t fully released, haven’t thought about it in almost a decade, I wonder how it’ll handle on the deck
I didn’t realize it wasn’t fully released, haven’t thought about it in almost a decade, I wonder how it’ll handle on the deck
Concerned ape long ago secured a spot as one of the greatest developers ever.
They only seem to reinforce that as a correct selection.
They’re in the highest of echelons with people/companies I’m happy to support.
I haven’t played wordle since they put the “streak tracker” behind a “paywall”, fuck you all that data is shit you’re keeping from me without my consent anyways, now you want me to pay you for the privilege?
I’m not a huge privacy guy, but when you ask me to pay for the data I provide you, you can get bent.
That’s the ncis doctor… Didn’t know he composed, definitely wouldn’t have associated him with West Coast rappers.
Wouldn’t put it on my deck if it printed me a 5 dollar bill every day.
Nor on my cell phone.
“whatever you do don’t forget to check the big tab is on the left and the little tab is on the right, even if you get it backwards it won’t close as a safety precaution.”
Gets call of machine not working in another country, sends out consultant.
Big tab is on the right, little tab is on the left and the entire tray has been forced into position because “it wasn’t closing properly so we had to apply a lot of force”
Professionals with confidence are the absolute worst, I tell ever consultant or technician that comes into my lab “I’ll be in the corner if you need me to grab you any supplies or coffee, do you mind if I ask questions as you go so I can have a better understanding of what’s going on with this magical box”. I like to think they appreciate me.
Can’t wait to see where they go next with this franchise!
I was hesitant to see the first (remake) one, but they did it so well I saw the next one without any hesitation. It was about 85% as good as the first, but that’s more than enough to get me excited for the 3rd!
Even the different problems between the LCD and OLED models make me content for valve to take it slow.
Don’t diminish the support with multiple sku’s, work on fixing the small but persistent problems with the current operating system, let other companies keep the hardware manufacturers pushing forward, continue making sure the operating system works well on the more modern hardware, and release a single product when the time is right.
There should be no decimal after the deck 2, keep the product focused, don’t divide your labor and multiply your potential bugs.
Also please have your operating system developers try using the deck interface for things besides gaming, trading, forum posting and even browsing the store is hampered by easily replicable bugs.
But the bandwidth has to be more expensive in the long run…
But obviously they’re taking the more bandwidth intense route, that must cost them more money…
GeForce now uses 20 gigs/hour at the highest quality, how are they not just sending the entire video to your screen, what more do they need to send??
Why does the terrain take more (much more) bandwidth than a video stream?
And what the heck do you mean they’re “streaming the terrain” surely it would be a one and done date transfer, much smaller than a live video packet stream, that amount of bandwidth is insane, you could do multiple 4k streams.
But how much data does it take to send terrain information? Why not just send the picture of the terrain every moment (stream it) rather than whatever they’re doing?
GeForce now streams the entire game to you, it takes a few mb/s, barely more than YouTube.
Microsoft could stream an entire game screen to you for far less bandwidth, so what are they actually sending to your machine?
An architect parading as an “engineer”
Are they streaming it to you??
Wait that would actually take FAR LESS DATA
I’m buying at least one of them!
I don’t know which one…
Very funny it all happened on the same day
I’m pretty excited for this one, glad they figured out how to do water physics!
Frees them up for more time cleaning the butcher room floor