It seems that he is in fact a bloody window cleaner.
✍️ Hobbyist Writer, 🎲 Role player, 🧩 Game master, 🚀 Sci-Fi enthusiast, 💫 Star Citizen 🇪🇺 EU Citizen, 🐧 Linux user, 🧑💻 Professional Software Developer, 🏳️⚧️ Woman
It seems that he is in fact a bloody window cleaner.
Baby steps. First FOSS Apps like Libre Office, Kate, Krita, then dual boot, then you delete the Windows partition :)
I second Directory Opus. It’s a very good file browser.
Is this in response to cara?
even those higher ups need to learn that their underlings can only be productive when they aren’t being prevented/distracted from being productive.
Block your calendar.
shutdown -a
couldn’t help in that situation?
abcde is pretty great, and it has a funny command name :D
how about
or .tar.rar
tar eXtactZheVeckingFile
its a cronjob that runs each minute (*/1) in any hour, any day, any month, on any weekday, gnome-screenshot obviously takes a screenshot and outputs it to the given file path and filename, where the filename is written as the current date as string and .png as format
But … where is the innovation (and also Alt text?)
I’m trying to build a workstation for my wife who is a graphic design by trade. She has only ever used Window so I thought that this would be a great way to introduce her to Linux. I just have some questions about getting this project off the ground.
Whats your ultimate goal here? Getting rid of Windows, or getting rid of your wife?
I tried that currying once… Now all my Algorithms are in the one place that hasn’t been corrupted by capitalism
Hmm but Kibana makes it easier to read and parse logs. And you don’t need server permissions to do it.
Except DDG doesn’t search right now which is quite valuable
Basic functions of HID should still work under windows for the same reason why they work mod-less under Linux. But when those devices are not HID-conform then you would need drivers/a kernel-mod.