Exactly, nothing target mod specifically, it’s just dramatic people being dramatic. It DOES suck for Fallout London creators, but whatchu gonna do.
Fan of breaking echo chambers by being devils advocate. Other than that, centrist. As in in USA I’d be considered left.
Exactly, nothing target mod specifically, it’s just dramatic people being dramatic. It DOES suck for Fallout London creators, but whatchu gonna do.
Full recompilation of exec from scratch - memory positions changed and basically f4se became extremely borked.
As far as I know, they basically recompiled the main executable from scratch - to which modders inject code…thus jumbling it all up.
Also def. not intentionally - it just coincided with the fallout series and Bethesda, like every company, wanted to get more cake. Dumb move, but eh.
Well, the thing is, you almost don’t. But like the other commenter said, most instructions are for terminal when something happens and from my - fairly limited as of now - experience, terminal is still key to linux configuration.
What was mostly generating the Ew response was the fact that linux isn’t really known for being newbie friendly. Then getting hit with headless debian during studies also didn’t exactly change what I thought.
I honestly hated idea of linux for soooo long. Ew. Like ew. Doesn’t work, borks, needs command line, wtf is that steaming pile of…yeah. Ew.
But insert the goddamn bird with cracker meme after I tried Nobara last year (tried some other distros too). When Windows 10 loses support, I am pretty confident that Nobara will fill most of my needs.
And, well, have some IT experience, with linux too, so occasional terminal isn’t that bad. I was simply afraid of constantly having to work in terminal.
Enemy Territory is still very much alive.
This sounds to me like satire. If you hire people, you need to go through HR process and then you are rewuired to pay them monthly.
System is one and done. It may be pricey up front, but as they already have infrastructure in place, long-term costs will be laughable compared to additional employee per every shop.
In what world keeping employee doing useless work is worth it?
I love how you all are so flabbergasted by how simply okay the game was that each and every time someone asks how it is, everyone fumbles for words and cannot express it in any other way than solid, stable mediocre experience. Like lol. So I guess it’s good game, just not a good Dragon Age xD
Polish ID’s are slready digital. The question is whether you want to have it in-app or not. Also the gov bent over backwards so we can essentially do 80% of stuff online - from taxes to forms, most things can easily get done online. And why gov likes it? It reduces amount of workers and headline, because a lot can be automated, and also ensures more people will bother with shit because it’s easier.
Well, to keep profile on Bluesky they essentially keept the same social media presence guy and just tell him to switch. To add to it Mastodon, they suddenly need to extend infrastructure to add a server, need to have someone manage that server and on top of that make that social media presence guy also take care of posting there. If they even have that guy and it’s not simply something Monica from HR is doing.
And all that for what, maybe 500k people using it? Accounting for people not hearing about it, not being in EU, not caring about it etc. etc.
For comparision, Bluesky has 3 times Mastodon’s users and it’s growing quicker than Mastodon, being seen as viable alternative to twitter/x.
For the love of god wake up people, do you know what little percent of people know about fedi? Services like these jump to where the public is, not drags public behind it. Bluesky made huge jump publicity wise, and that’s when it was already more widely known than fedi. Moaning about it doesn’t help.
In perfect world, we’d have country-specific instances with all national news and announcments centralised in there, to which people could easily subscribe to. But that even sounds complex to average person, compared to “Hey, Bluesky? Yeah twitter but better”.
Aaand it connected via neighbours 0000-passworded network
Cat tax had a little different meaning back then…
Here I am, going to get downvoted into oblivion, but you already speak about the topic so I want to ask.
Trans people have the cure for their condition - that being surgery. Why shouldn’t being trans (before actually transitioning!) considered being ill?
Sorry if I come as rude but in today’s hellscape there’s really no way to ask that without sounding like a douche.
I have a problem with idea of gov sayimg what goes. Whatever gov. If it’s your site - whatever goes, goes. You set the rules. Sheesh.
But I admit I am nos so sure when it comes to giants like FB or X. If they were like that from the get go, sure, but sudden switch is iffy as hell.
I may be outsider but lower graphic level horror games actually work more for me, because imagination fills the gaps better than engine rendering plastic looking tentacles can
We had great teachers, don’t take ne wrong. Simply nobody trusted them anyway. Like, once I had a teacher that whole class was ready to throw hands for, yet still, except for joking around, nobody trusted her.
Maybe it’s cultural thing, I dunno.
I get that it’s the aim but I am gonna be blunt. I never trusted any tracher. I liked a few, but that’s it…and when I grew up, this was mirrored in most of the male group. Girls tended to be more open to teachers, but that’s it. Is it any different today?
Site selling your data? Riot!
Site having ads? Riot!
Site offering subscription? Riot!
…why no site?
Yeah, that’s what Fallout Londond creators advised - delay the update. A lot of folk got already hit with it by this time tho, so a lot of people were pissed.
And they DID insert their own IIRC, may be wrong on that one.