Right wing ideologies are a symptom of brain damage.
Right wing ideologies are a symptom of brain damage.
Kerbal Space Program: progression from being unable to get a rocket into orbit, to collecting a surface sample from all 5 of Jool’s moons in a single launch
Anyone know what version of TacOps mod is compatible with OldUnreal’s version of UT?
The capability itself is concerning. This bespoke cable might cost $200, but what would the unit cost be if a state decided to mass produce them?
Did the publisher know which ip they were working on?
gestures broadly at the current state of KSP2
To quote every Oblivion NPC: “I don’t know you, and I don’t care to know you.”
over charging customers and under paying employees
That’s the crux of the issue.
Who’s going to buy it for a high price, if there is no demand for office space, because workers are all remote?
Right? Venus, Earth, and Mars should all be pretty similar. Mercury should be about the size of the moon or a little bigger. Jupiter doesn’t need to be fuck off huge, but at least a bit bigger than Saturn.
the inaccurate scale of the planets tho…
deleted by creator
+1 for BeamNG.drive + Automation
Recreating production cars and racing them is fun.
Optimizing track cars for different locations is a LOT of fun. More power doesn’t always mean faster lap times - what matters is power to weight ratio, paired with getting the suspension, tires, brakes, and downforce just right.
The most fun build I’ve discovered so far is throwing a 2L, naturally aspirated V8 that makes 521 HP, into a Pontiac Fiero with racing slicks. The whole thing weighs just 1159 lbs, and can pull 3 G’s around corners.
The market didn’t need regulations to maintain its freeness back then because the vast majority of transactions were made with small businesses. The limited technological capabilities in transport and communication also decreased the need for government regulation by decreasing the ability of the largest concentrations of capital to succeed at implementing global anti-competitive strategies.
To achieve the same degree of market freedom today, in the era of omni-national mega-corporations wielding monopoly influence, requires utilizing levers of power outside of the market those mega-corps dominate. The intervention of democratic governments to enforce anti-monopoly laws and prohibit other kinds of anti-competitive behavior is a necessary component of any plan to transform today’s marketplace into one that looks more similar to the market of Adam Smith’s day.
It is though - this is what capitalism invariably becomes. Musky Twitter is a symptom of late stage capitalism. This is why so many people say capitalism is bad and doesn’t work as advertised.
The golden age of classical liberalism, when capitalism actually worked, the 1700-1800’s, more closely resembles what we would today call market socialism.
Once the agglomerations of capital became large enough to impose irresistible anti-competitive force, the days of capitalism’s beneficial functionality ended. They say “the freer the market the freer the people”, but an unregulated market isn’t free - it invariably trends toward monopoly and irrationally assigned concentrations of wealth and power, eg Musk, Bezos, DuPont, Sackler, etc…
Capitalism supports, rather than resists, the anti-competitive influence of capital. A truly free market requires the intervention of powers other than capital - eg, democratic governance imposing something akin to Market Socialism against the wishes of those anti-competitive agglomerations of capital.
fund it exclusively out of his own pocket
That’s how newspapers got started - they were propaganda organs of the rich and existed exclusively to manipulate public opinion. Things really haven’t changed that much, but somewhere along the way people were tricked into paying for them.
I think its more likely that YouTube will shut down and be replaced by nothing. Its existence has never made sense as anything but an act of charity from an organization with tech resources to burn.
Yeah, creating a venue for sex work is the only plausible use case.
surely producing a lower volume of lower quality products will improve the bottom line, right?
some of their higher end mice let you call specific functions of popular productivity software, like using the scroll wheel to change the brush size in Photoshop for example
I like action games, including FPS, with RPG elements.
Borderlands and Diablo - I like that you can just jump in and start blasting without really having to read anything about the setting or characters
Fallout and Cyberpunk 2077 - slower paced and less immediately fun than the previous two, but the action does keep the story interesting
Pure RPGs can be fun as an engineering project - twisting the game’s systems to create unbalanced character builds.
this sounds like what Google wanted to be since its inception: ask a question, get an answer
somewhere along the journey, the reality of needing to make money drove the enshitification of search results: ask a question, get offers to sell you an answer
this seems like a step in a better direction