But I have such a soft spot for how beautiful the console is from a design and hardware standpoint. That boxy gray box is such beauty.
Agree to disagree lol
Hiker, software engineer (primarily C++, Java, and Python), Minecraft modder, hunter (of the Hunt Showdown variety), biker, adoptive Akronite, and general doer of assorted things.
But I have such a soft spot for how beautiful the console is from a design and hardware standpoint. That boxy gray box is such beauty.
Agree to disagree lol
What will be really great is when this gets to a point where game developers no longer have to do so much work to get realistic lightning.
Like, “just place your objects into your scene and done” seems like it would be a real productivity and quality boost.
But they are not the default option. And your new job may not use them.
Who cares if it’s the default? If it’s the best tool, use it.
It’s silly to have a reason for “going Rust” be the build system, especially in the context of something as new as a WASM context where basically any project is going to be green field or green field adjacent.
Exceptions is a non standard exit point. And by “non standard” I’m not talking about the language but about its surprise appearance not specified in the prototype. Calling double foo(); you don’t know if you should try/catch it, against which exceptions, is it an internal function that may throw 10 level deep ?
And that’s a feature not a bug; it gets incredibly tedious to unwrap or forward manually at every level.
By contrast fn foo() -> Result<f64, Error> in rRst tell you the function may fail. You can inspect the error type if you want to handle it. But the true power of Result in Rust (and Option) is that you have a lot of ergonomic ways to handle the bad case and you are forced to plan for it so you cannot use a bad value thinking it’s good:
You can do this in C++ https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/expected (and as I said, if you feel so inclined, turn off exceptions entirely); it’s just not the “usual” way of doing things.
I use Kopia to B2, then on a monthly basis I copy the current Kopia repo to an external drive that’s otherwise kept offline in my house.
I mean, maybe it’s not easy because they don’t provide debug information, but a sufficiently motivated person can debug a web assembly binary.
- It’s statically compiled and isn’t dependent on system binaries and won’t break if there if the system has the wrong version like C/C++, allowing you to distribute it as a single binary without any other installation steps
You can do that with C++ too.
- Still produces fairly small binaries unlike languages like Java or C# (because of the VM)
I mean, the jars are actually pretty small; but also I really don’t get the storage argument. I mean we live in a world where people happily download a 600 MB discord client.
- Is a modern language with a good build system (It’s like night and day compared to CMake)
Meson exists … as do others.
- And I just like how the language works (errors as values etc.)
Fair enough; though why? What’s wrong with exceptions?
I work in a code base where I can’t use exceptions because certain customers can’t use exceptions, and I regularly wish I could because errors as values is so tedious.
The minifiers have long made JavaScript just as indecipherable
I work in a small company that doesn’t hire hardly at all… Stories like this scare me because I have no way to personally quantify how common that kind of attitude might be.
Netflix is like the only one on Android I have that ISN’T opt-ed out.
Well it sounds like this is the thing for you! Haha
I installed it, but I’m probably just going to use it periodically. I really appreciate the website prioritization feature of Kagi … so it’s unfortunate that isn’t compatible.
Arguably Brighter Shores is a cozy game and it’s got an appealing art style to my eyes
I get Tim’s reasoning though with Xbox, Switch, and PlayStation. As it stands, these are not general purposes operating systems. You don’t “install apps” on them, you play games, maybe stream a show, and maybe use a web browser (but realistically few people are doing the latter two with these devices). They’re also typically much more subsidized because Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft can recoup a lot of the hardware cost in game sales (where as Apple and Google increasingly make the most money off of the hardware sales).
Compare that to the Apple and Google case; like imagine if Microsoft and Apple had done this with PCs in the 90s. The world would look significantly different because you couldn’t install various things on Macs. Like as an example, Firefox and Chrome arguably wouldn’t exist (or would be a pain to install), because your system would ship with Safari and Internet Explorer (and the other browsers would just “not be allowed”).
This is hugely anti-competitive in a way that’s far more offensive than Nintendo, Sony, or Microsoft’s behavior on their gaming consoles. These are not general purposes devices (maybe they should be, but they’re not). Basically nobody is doing their taxes on a Switch or PlayStation … but plenty of people use iOS/Android devices as their only computers (they do their taxes there, pay their bills online via these devices, etc).
Tim is taking a moral stand … and I know he gets a lot of crap, but he’s not wrong to fight Apple and Google about mobile app stores.
Apple and Google created entire operating systems where the flow of almost all transactions flows through them.
Some people don’t even have computers anymore, the just use these mobile platforms.
It’s hugely anticompetitive (especially in the Apple case where you can’t even install – without heroics – non-Apple approved apps).
I disagree with Tim on Linux.
I also disagree with his approach to taking on Steam dominance … mostly because of the Linux bit but also because I don’t like exclusivity deals. That said, people may eventually appreciate what Tim has done here should Steam turn sour. It is kind of scary that so much depends on the good will of the aging Gabe.
I don’t disagree with Tim RE Apple and Google’s app stores.
I don’t think this is an “anymore” problem, I don’t think it ever has been taught. The majority of people that voted for Trump were not young people fresh out of school.
Eh… Without examples, I don’t know that this is a good warning.
Everyone gets into different technologies at their own pace. Even if it does bite OP in some abstract way because they eventually get to some complex use case, that’s okay; it’s all a learning experience.
Oh I agree, no doubt … but teaching critical thinking is not easy
Well like, basically every shooter currently uses a hitbox to do the hitscan and that never matches the model 1:1. The hitboxes are typically far less detailed and the weak points are just a different part of the hitbox that is similarly less detailed.
I think what they’re doing is using the RT specialized hardware to evaluate the bullet path (just like a ray of light from a point) more cheaply than can be traditionally done on the GPU (effectively what Nvidia enabled when they introduced hardware designed for ray tracing).
If I’m guessing correctly, it’s not so much that they’re disregarding the mesh but they’re disregarding hitbox design. Like, the hit damage is likely based on the mesh and the actual rendered model vs the simplified hitbox … so there’s no “you technically shot past their ear, but it’s close enough so we’re going to call it a headshot” sort of stuff.
If you’re doing a simulated shotgun blast that could also be a hundred pellets being simulated through the barrel heading towards the target as well. Then add in more enemies that shoot things and a few new gun designs and… maybe it starts to make sense.
Honestly, I’m not interested in debating it’s validity especially with the exact details of what they’ve done still under wraps … I have no idea if they are really on to something or not and the details are scarce, but I did find the article I read.
Yeah, I was really confused when the game Brighter Shores first entered early access with its initial aggressive chat moderation system (because it’s out of the UK law and the liability on their part is insane I guess) and a bunch of people were like “seriously? I got banned for this.”
Nobody was getting banned, they were getting temporarily muted and calling it a ban.
I feel like “ban” is a term that used to have a really clear meaning: you can no longer use this service. Now, it seems like that word is increasingly being abused to just mean: the service stopped me from doing something I wanted to do.