not entirely,
dumb tv turns on in maybe up to 3s
while “smart” tv still needs more than 30s
so now you have crapiest dumb tv on your hands
not entirely,
dumb tv turns on in maybe up to 3s
while “smart” tv still needs more than 30s
so now you have crapiest dumb tv on your hands
Yakuza 0, first time playing yakuza games an it’sfirst game of 2025
current ones I notice: dissapearing(temporary game restart recovers them) saves from load/save menu, player glitches (releasing ladder allows for brief 3rd person view), vehicles dissaperaing near player
Aliexprees is great for low buget electronics,
but I’m skeptical about anything larger.
Plus with EU’s hike on tarifs and delivery services quality it’s like playing worst type of gambling.
A TV card(and PC obviously) with screen could be for me,
but there is no way my parents would agree to such setup.
on some markets they are gone.
“Smart” TVs have squeezed them out.
anything would end up above the sluge
Jusr saw Rossmanns video about this,
this post ended maybe to deeply buried.
It should deserve repost or maybe pinning of initiative link
which breaks if you checkout on windows
that’s why you don’t fork it, you re-upload it when you hear it’s stirring
If only I could show segfaul stack tracetrough looped macros.
It breaks VSCode (it would be hilarious if I wasn’t the author of said macros).
Shouldn’t there be ‘?’ before t? Like:
maybe because I don’t know how some command receives piped output?
Also some commands don’t work with pipe, so kowing how pipe itsef is implemented is just a fraction of information.
I noticed that mentioning commands you want gives good results e.g.:
If it’s more complicated, pasting parial scrript for LLM to finish gave better results (4 me),
than pure prompt text.