Disappointing that it’s Windows.
Developer for 30+ years, father of four.
Disappointing that it’s Windows.
This is neither programming nor humurous. Wrong community.
So you’re saying there’s a chance…
I’m with you but I have regrettably been sucked into the node-i-verse against my will.
I believe you. There is no AI ever made that could have as bad a grammar as you. ;)
I upvoted you but neither of them.
Omg that is funny.
Fuckin Josh man. He is hilarious and terrifying.
To screw or not to screw.
I think you overthought my response, tbh
Same thing with Spez, tbh.
He is absolutely for his free speech.
Exactly. I actually heard on forums at the time that the game was actually acting as an anti-recruitment tool because of things like that. It was strangely trendsetting and ahead of the game in a lot of things that later milsims would adopt.
Nice article. One of the reasons I loved America’s Army was how over the top the propaganda really was. You could never play as a 'terrorist" or “bad guy”. You were always in America’s Army. Incredibly jingoistic and “patriotic”. It’s an absolutely fascinating game.
I thought about getting a steam deck until I realized there is no way I would ever use it. I’m like you, I have a sweet PC gaming setup. Nothing that I play would do well on a small form factor. Also, I use traveling or being out of the house as time to engage with the real world and people, or for reading.
I think you’re both right. Anyone should be able to link to an IA page, but Google basically was doing the same thing as IA with their cached pages. Now they’ve gotten rid of that service and are simply relying on IA to take all of the load that they had. I think they should help fund IA to compensate for the extra load.
Keep going. I’m not done having adventures.
Absolutely “shocked” I tell you.