And then they tank the name X-Box
And then they tank the name X-Box
look even 1 billion is more than enough to live on for a lifetime and then quite a bit left over, so that is not really that dumb
I would say nither, agian there profit is direct theft from there workers I see no reason to enable said theft by turning off my add block or not bypassing a paywall
Look man he is a kid he is trying to suport adblocking, I do not expect him to try to find a way to anonomusly send it to uBO, he will search adblock and pay it… not saying its a good choice, I am saying its a choice I would expect a child who is trying there best to make
Yes but you cannot donate to uBlock, so he is doing the best he can
I would hardly call any of this steeling, The authors of the articles and the people needed to maintain the website are not being given the full value of there labor, they are already being stollen from, I do not care if the big company cannot make as much money, there profit is the theft of employee wages
You know there is a solution to this stalling untill companies decide they are ready…
Private Companies however have no insintive to actualy innovate, if you look at them they are all taking decades old NASA and USSR Space program tech and resuing it … and callling it innovation
I disagree privitizing space will do absolutly nothing but lead to balooned costs and stagnation.
State Motto… do not ask me why it is the state motto, because I have absolutly no Idea
theythey have the qote mixed up its Ad Astra Per Aspare, To the stars through dificalties… you see it everywhere in Kansas
They are likely going to fund it less and give more and more of its mission over to space force and private companies is my guess
how do you expect an archive to happen if they are not allowed to archive while it is still up. How are you suposed to track changed or see how the world has shifted. This is a very narrow and in my opinion selfish way to view the world