Yep. It’s very cool, but takes a little getting used to at first!
Yep. It’s very cool, but takes a little getting used to at first!
Nah, I’ve used my parents’ induction hob and it’s ridiculously fast to boil liquids. A half pint of milk was boiling over in 20s. Gas stoves can’t compete.
I think you’re underselling Darktable somewhat. Being able to use drawn and parametric masks for basically all the tools, and the granularity at which you can adjust the variables across the entire image makes it incredibly powerful for non-destructive editing of photos. There are also numerous filters and tools which can be used artistically.
But yes, for “photo-shopping” as opposed to photo editing you probably will want GIMP as well.
What kind of possibilities?
You sound like a donorcycle rider. One who is casual about potentially traumatising and/or injuring others.
Fuck, just see anything that the IDF ghouls are pumping out at the moment.
I think I’ve heard “deeply” being used that way for a good few years now. Might have been making its way round for a while!
Cute, but already taken by the OS.
I think local initiatives around the world would mean initiatives around the world which are specifically local, rather than large, multinational planting organisations.
If something is dangerous in animal testing, it shouldn’t reach humans. The FDA is toothless (due to underfunding and regulatory capture).
I’m pretty sure your ethernet cable shouldn’t be getting hot
There is no ethical consumption under capitalism
FDA approval ain’t evidence that something is safe. See the recent approvals for anti-Alzheimers meds that have a terrible side-effect to benefit ratio.
Or a knife