But can it be solved by throwing less sensors at the problem? Cause that’s what he’s been doing. Removing sensors from the newer versions that were in the older ones.
But can it be solved by throwing less sensors at the problem? Cause that’s what he’s been doing. Removing sensors from the newer versions that were in the older ones.
That’s a complete misrepresentation of what the other commenter was saying.
It’s conspiracy bullshit to think that the government has nebulous access to all listening and recording devices, has an army of goons to review every second of every piece of footage, and when murders or rapes occur they actively ignore it because the division helps them profit.
None of this was said or implied.
And yes, it’s conspiracy bullshit to think they’re directly spending money on sowing division in people.
Why? Isn’t that the purpose of Rupert Murdoch’s?
Is it conspiracy bullshit that megacorps and billionaires directly benefit from, and spend millions on, sowing division among the people?
Cooperatives, employee-owned companies, etc.
I’m not the one who suggested regulations. For me, corporations shouldn’t exist at all.
They’re suggesting regulating corporations properly.
What exactly is the utility of the above quote of yours then?
To show that the correlation is spurious at best.
Has it become even more successful after he’s mellowed out?
Yes, it has. Usage of Linux has been growing over the years.
it uses end-to-end encryption
At least they say they do, but we can’t really verify that.
My point is exactly that. It’s not obvious, and as such you can’t attribute the success of Linux to his behaviour. Like the OP said, there’s no logic in looking at something successful and picking a singular thing to be responsible.
How is that obvious? Especially because it’s become even more successful after he’s mellowed out?
But did it work because of the style or in spite of it? No reason to believe it wouldn’t be even more successful if he had been less abrasive like he is now.
I had three cars and a motorcycle at one point, though now I’m down to one car and a bicycle. But whatever makes you feel superior, I guess. Fuck the people with legitimate ideas to improve life and the environment.
Either you or I got wooshed, cause I thought that was a maths joke, not actually an answer.
And you can quote something without embedding it.