“South African Immigrant To US Says Americans Are Dumbasses.”
“South African Immigrant To US Says Americans Are Dumbasses.”
“Don’t bite the anus that feeds you”
Grandfather: “How is your garden”
Grandson: “Needs a firmware update”
All lick the anus
“Come on Elon, you’re going to get us all assassinated.”
Good article
I have no idea who would do something like that…
Account is one hour old and this post is its only activity.
If someone is spending their time chatting to AI about politics then I think they’ve got it coming to them.
100% agree. These things get talked up as benefits when they are mostly treated as revenue streams by the seller and distractions by the buyer. Kids and adults. We all need to be way more critical of the tech we use.
So what? There will be a “Yes I’m over 16” check box which will be as meaningful as the “Yes I’m over 18” one on porn sites?
Any hope of governments or social media sites enforcing this will come with big ethical and technical compromises and I dont think anyone is actually going to really bother.
We already have limits on what children do with other potentially harmful things like fire, sharp objects, heights and roads and they all come from parents. If this law has any real and positive impact it will be the message that it sends to parents.
While this might be an improvement over chucking cables onto a bonfire but i think it’s unnecessarily high tech. If the cables already need to be cut laterally into specific sections to conform to the wavelength and it uses 200w, then a better design would be to pull the cable over a blade to part the sheath like a hot dog bun. You could do that with a fraction of the power, no emissions from the pyrolysis and simpler more available tools; just some dies/jigs, blades and a motor. It could even be hand cranked. This isn’t something that would get research funding though. And I bet there is already a tinkerer doing it somewhere in a shack in Ghana or Pakistan.
Is this an ad?
I’m always surprised at how devious this windows spyware is. 99% of people would probably just accept to share all their data but that’s not good enough; MS has to try and squeeze out every last drop.
How is this proliferating csam?
Sharing it with people and companies that it wasn’t being shared with before.
Also, how do you expect them to find csam without having known images?
The same way it is now: people reporting it and undercover police accounts. People recognise it.
without having someone look at every picture on someone’s harddrive
If it’s going to get used as evidence in court a human will have to review and confirm it. I don’t think “Because the AI said so” is going to convince juries.
The only reason to be against this is if you are looking at CP
Or if it’s you or someone you love who is in the CP. Having further copies of it on further hard drives, whether it’s so someone can bake it into their AI tool or any other purpose is wrong. That’s just my view though.
I think all CSAM should be destroyed out of respect for the victims, not proliferated. I don’t care who is hanging onto this material or for what purpose.
I’m sure big polluters will be citing this paper for decades to come.
“It will OK in the end bro.”
Cool, no more need for American military bases in our countries then. Or sharing intelligence with them. Or propping up their arms industry.
Pretty interesting after Robin Wright’s role in The Congress.
These companies just go whichever way the wind blows. Which is exactly what you would expect.