My bad, I thought you were quoting the article, not yourself. It’s clear now I wasn’t seeing the difference between disagreeing with the article and disagreeing with them fucking up. It’s no excuse but I was probably high, I am right now too
My bad, I thought you were quoting the article, not yourself. It’s clear now I wasn’t seeing the difference between disagreeing with the article and disagreeing with them fucking up. It’s no excuse but I was probably high, I am right now too
I don’t really care what the article says or what opinions the author has. I’m just asking what you think about those facts involving the subject of said articles.
Well what about the fact that they asked her to do it multiple times and right before they launched it the CEO tweeted the word “Her”?
It’s not my point. No need to apologize though. I just think a lady online being startled by those words and posting about it saying “have you seen this?” is not at all the same as satanic panic. Who knows maybe that’s exactly what she was doing but I doubt it. It was probably just a startled Mom or Auntie
Everybody doesn’t have to be an expert on a subject to say “look at this, it’s crazy right?”. It’s up to experts to explain why it’s not actually crazy. It’s still crazy the term has to be “sacrifice child”, whether it’s common or not
It’s still very jarring. Attributing it solely to satanic panic is wild though. It’s just someone’s first reaction to seeing something. Not everyone does research before having a natural human reaction.
So “sacrifice child” is a common term used in what language? I don’t believe in religion but I also don’t know a whole lot about computer science. So I would believe you if you said it meant something.
But seeing the words “sacrifice child” would rightfully startle anybody. It’s nothing to do with cherry picking or satanic panic. It’s everything to do with those two very specific words being right next to each other. Nothing else.
The point was irrelevant.
What? How does her being weirded out about the words “sacrifice child” mean she ignored anything? It doesn’t matter what triggered the error, she is questioning why the code has dark word combinations
What were the alleged crimes?
Just use wabbajack or a nexus collection. Takes out all the guess work
Wabbajack is even better! If you’re playing Skyrim, Nolvus is amazing and has its own installer, even installs an enb for you, you can choose between 4 or 5 of them
What about for a dummy that wants to feel smart by installing a custom one?
What is a good OS for a dummy?
Condoms suck for everyone involved
I loved Eagle Eye when it came out, I was 10(?). I never ever see it get mentioned though, maybe it doesn’t hold up idrk but the concept is great and shows exactly how that could happen
Good point, but learning requires excessive free time. I’m working or sleeping and on the days that I don’t work I just want to play my games, eat ice cream and not have to re-learn how to use a computer
It didn’t age well imo