CZR beat a Mario 64 record using a midi drum set and released it as a song
🇪🇸 🇨🇦
CZR beat a Mario 64 record using a midi drum set and released it as a song
At least VLC had a neat table there
This is Satisfactory right? I’m definitely playing it wrong based off of these screenshots lol
Yep. In Spain and Latin America, there is no separation between North and South. Its just one continent: América
They also pay Brave for their results
His middle name was also (Low Tax), including the parentheses
He once bricked his OS during a “run Linux for a week” challenge. He tried to do apt install steam
or something and ignored a bunch of warnings. Of course he then bashed Linux because he didn’t pay attention
I’m surprised they set a deadline at all, considering how the game itself will never release
Another fun phrase with similar etymology is “pulling out all the stops”. It comes from church organs, where the stops are all of the levers that can change the timbre
I thought the Friday game has been in dead game limbo for years because of intellectual property or something?
I really want to be excited for the new album but this nor Night Terrors didn’t really do anything for me. They feel like DT songs but are missing something special that most other albums had. Its almost as if a DT cover band wrote this song
Kind of ironic that they didn’t include it in the article title
A kind of similar thing has been floating around for decades now. Combining something like Farming Sim with Euro Truck Sim and with flight sim to create an all-in-one logistics simulator
Definitely not my style of game but I absolutely have to check it out as its Crowbar Collective
Definitely excited for this. Especially because of their development cycle and the war interfering
Part of the reason why it hasn’t done great is because its an Epic exclusive right? If they would have released on Steam they’d make tons more sales
About 200 million trillion times the entire global GDP
Known for: ReiserFS, murder
Thunder app renders everything as a empty box, which actually makes it harder to read than normal zalgo
I say 4.9 / 7. Fight Club deserves its own place at the top