We need wood!
Stronghold Crusader
Your average linux loving Anacho-Syndicalist trans emo cat girl
We need wood!
Stronghold Crusader
Bruh it just didn’t work, I still have this shit ass main board. Linux worked almost completely fine on it(besides some windows applications) but Windows itself would run until I switched the main board. I just used this phrase because I’ve skipped over it in a forum while figuring this issue.
Asus has become shit get over it
My ROG Strix main board somehow didn’t support(?, idk what word would be accurate) Microsoft .NET Try using Windows with that. (That is intact why I used Linux for the first time) After a year or so I got tired of .NET not working and switched out my main board(to MSI). Everything worked perfectly fine since then. I don’t even know how that’s even possible
Because YouTube is well known for actually paying their creators… A lot of the creators I watch get a lot of their videos demonotized for nothing really, so I’d have to become a channel member to support them, at wich point I might as well just completly switch to their patreon. And just because it’s on par with other stupid subscriptions, doesn’t make it fair. There are a ton of useless perks to me I’d have to pay for. Doest Premium still come with YT music? Yeah that kinda shit. I you use all the stuff, fair, but I certainly wont, so no the price is not fair for me
If it was fairly priced then maybe, but as of now yt premium just isn’t a good opntion
They made great games before, this just went viral
Found the Nvidia fanboy
For handhelds, a 720p resolution is very adequate, but not for a 27" Monitor