Windows users: what the hell is a .HEIC file? Must be a virus.
Windows users: what the hell is a .HEIC file? Must be a virus.
They can ban it but I will just go use seekdeep instead :|
I wouldn’t care if I was him. In fact I would also ban yeeting and skibaldi toilet while dabbing to the Harlem shakes
An unfiltered look at, checks notes, a completely censored and controlled people who aren’t even allowed to hold up a blank sheet of paper in protest?
I have an idea. Let’s stick all of the world’s billionaires into a submarine and see if lightning strikes twice.
All laws protecting the people’s interests are now banned. Don’t like it? Well become a billionaire and maybe the supreme Court will care
Well they don’t need us anymore, I’m going back to reading books.
The US is set to unveil their high speed competitor soon with a train called the “American Superior.” It is stated to have a top speed of 80km/h and will launch on a single 10km track by the year 2083.
Well no one is saving for retirement anymore. Climate change will take care of that. Live it up.
Can’t lose what he’s never had, my love 💕
In my list of 9 anime streaming sites a whole total of 0 were affected. You can’t beat piracy this way.
GTA 6 will be the last one this century.
I want to be one of those crabs that form a conga line and swap shells.
Yes, CAD/CAM stuff like Catia, SW, mastercam, etc. It will take a lot of market share improvements to convince the developers to bother with a port. I’m no M$ fanboy, just no real production alternative.
The software I run a 8 figure business with only works in windows and macs. Not a specific title but the software for an entire industry. Linux is nice but still a novelty in my world.
Merry Christmas employees that helped us make billions.
Who isn’t thinking about Ferenginar at all times
They wanted to put it inside the unit originally
Throw in baby Godzilla and watch it sweep the Oscars
It’s more of a prison for me. I just had to buy a new Win11 machine cause the software I depend on is cutting Win10 operation this year. Sucks