10400F running my NAS/Plex server and raspberry pi 5 running PiHole
10400F running my NAS/Plex server and raspberry pi 5 running PiHole
I dumped Spooterfy over a year ago now, moved all my liked song library to Tidal. I moved to AntennaPod for podcasts too. I never really make playlists, Tidals mixes are usually pretty good. The daily discovery is leagues above Spotify’s weekly shit that would constantly play songs from artists I had blocked. No Spotify, I do not want to be ear raped by 100 Gecs I told you this!
They pay artists better and it’s been a much better experience. My only issue was I couldn’t easily like songs from the notification bar, but that was added a while ago in an update. It has started playing the same songs frequently lately, but thats not the worst I guess.
Obviously if you care about supporting your artists, buy thier CDs, vinyls (if you’re into that) or buy them digitally on Bandcamp, streaming doesn’t pay as much as direct support.
This reads as an ad but I’m genuinely just a satisfied user. Fuck Spotify.
As someone else here mentioned, Pandora is still a viable option too, hell my mom uses Pandora.
Surprisingly I’m in the US and it’s off by default, at least for now. They’ll toggle it on then claim it was an accident after they make a couple billion dollars.
Mines nothing special, i5 10400 with 16GB of RAM and a 1050ti for video encoding. System runs TrueNAS Scale for Plex and Immich and has 44TB of drives running through a Dell H310 PERC SAS card. I desperately need more storage but I’ve been lacking the funds for new drives, I’d also need a 5.25" drive bay converter to hold the 2 additional drives I need in this case since all the bays are full, and another SAS card since this one’s used up.
I’d like to move to Jellyfin but from what I’ve read it doesn’t do as well for streaming from outside the network compared to Plex and half the users of my server are outside my network. So it works for now.
Also have a Raspberry Pi 5 running PiHole
Also a buddy 3D printed a fan mount for the H310 to make sure it doesnt overheat when doing file transfers and I slapped a Noctua on it
What they should’ve done, in my opinion, is at least focus on the fallout of Arthur killing Murray. They were partially there with the courtroom scenes and plot line, but showing more of the breakdown in Gotham as the trial goes on would’ve been good. Just axe the whole Harley plot line. As the case goes on more unrest and rioting occurs until finally the guilty verdict is given causing Joker supporters to erupt and raid the courthouse, freeing Joker. Also spoiler here: >!have the ending stay very similar to the actual film where the explosion at the courthouse sets Joker free, but then ultimately gets caught again then killed by the Heath Ledger Joker in Arkham. It doesn’t make sense in the context of the actual film because there’s no setup for it but it could work in this alternative version if you give a build up to that eventual payout.!<
What do I know though
I watched it, it’s not even a musical, it has musical breaks from the story. There’s one song that’s performed while moving the story along, the rest stop it in it’s tracks. Joker should’ve been a standalone film.
He buys another leather jacket, as a treat
Yeah I tried getting it running on my Steam Deck and when the launcher kept telling me it couldn’t find Fallout 4 I just uninstalled them both. Not worth the storage space and hassle.
My gaming desktop has a 5950x, I can run virtual machines and all games just fine. No reason to upgrade.
My Plex server runs an Intel 10400, handles everything I throw at it just fine. No reason to upgrade.
My home theater PC runs a Ryzen 1700 and again, runs just fine. No reason to upgrade.
I think the newest CPU in my house is either my Steam Deck’s APU or the one in my PS5.
I’ve got several flash drives from 2 different brands that are less than 3 years old that are already dying. SanDisk and Lexar, both large brands and they’re already losing reliability. Real shame that the older stuff works longer. I really only need them for making Linux bootable drives and they struggle with that.
I’m just an idiot that tinkers with things. I’ve got a TrueNAS Scale system up and running as network storage and Plex storage. There’s about 44TB of raw capacity in there right now, connected via a server SAS card. I just follow tutorials if I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.
I fully and wholeheartedly support this
Not entirely true in my case, I’ve got an old Inspiron 530 that I have been trying to figure out what to do with. Well it ran Vista from the factory so that’s worthless now, so I figured I’d try putting Linux on it. Every single distro I tried installing just wouldn’t get past the splash screen. Mint, Ubuntu, Arch (GUI and manual installer), Pop_OS, ChimeraOS, nothing. Trying different USB media writing methods did nothing or made it not even show as a bootable device. Finally got Xunbuntu to work on it and even that took 3 attempts to install.
I’ve got a more recent HP that was originally Win 7 that did have a much higher success rate and an old Acer laptop that straight up will not boot Linux without a high amount of errors or just completely borked graphics even with multiple distros.
But I’m also an idiot so it’s probably me.
Any of Marty O’Donnell’s Halo soundtracks
I was talking to one of the repair guys working on one near me and he told me they already ran Linux, so they’re one step ahead of you
I give it a week before it’s locked behind Twitter Blue or some new subscription
With the amount of people that made their account with a fake DOB of like 1900 or something to get around mature content I’m sure they already see plenty of users that age lol
I’d love to get my hands on even a decent condition 1st gen iPod, but people want insane amounts for them now. Even my 5.5 gen was more than i wanted to pay but nearly mint.
Interesting, I haven’t had any issues with things loading with mine, maybe it’s your adlists causing issues? Try disabling some, there might be false positives in there giving you issues