I feel like I remember them focusing on the sensation around news and not the actual news. Anything news worthy was included as a matter of context.
I felt like Vice was as if Beavis and Butthead were reporters, they went to the heart of a story that wasn’t getting much coverage and asked about people’s butts.
Pneumatic tubes were used to move mail in New York City, London, Germany, and Washington, D.C., and even transport food, cats, and yes, people.
I’ll take bad ideas for 1000.
People always talk about getting served ads after they talk about something. I think it’s the other way around. The ads put the thought into your brain and then you start talking about it and notice after you’ve already been thinking about it for a while.
I’ll order some online every now and then. For some reason they sell snuff in Europe and not snus(dip) and in the states it’s the opposite.
Snuff is quite invigorating, like snorting a cup of coffee or something. It also makes everything smell nice for a long time as it’s scented like fruits and perfume. Of course there’s the sneezing and brown boogers too though.
What we don’t need are police that are. I don’t want police firing anti aircraft guns/missle barrages or having drone armies. It’s absolutely ridiculous to think that this is worth the thought, much less a single cent to fund.
3 was just such a letdown after 2.
Yeah, I’ll watch it. 28 days later is still one of my all time favs, even if it was shot in 240p.
Problem solving. Maybe we shouldn’t have pushed STEM so hard to the underpaid, unemployed, underinsured masses.
-Somebody with the wherewithal probably
It’s the thing Sony does best.
I wish I’d asked for a tl;Dr instead of reading the article.
Tl;Dr: mostly Americans paying people in impoverished countries to abuse and rape their presumed children. From racy photos of small kids to extra money for evident injuries. That’s about as far as I got.
I finally switched. Honestly, the only thing I hate is the audio manager.
I just want to say that I think this is the dash from my old car a Toyota Yaris.
I miss you ole’ buddy. I’m sorry you got rear ended and totaled. You were a great car.
Only top loading VHS players. Once we moved to front loaders the format was dead.
How’s their store? I’m kind of ashamed at how often I’ll finish a book and then instantly buy and start another, but I also love being able to do that.
I have an older kindle. The micro USB is the only thing that really bothers me about it. It hasn’t bothered me enough to upgrade, but it almost did the other day if they hadn’t sold out and now jacked the price.
I don’t think the confusion has anything to do with networking. I’ve been puzzling over this post for a few minutes now… To be honest, I think I’m just more confused.
Maybe this is some sort of AI battle of the wits or contagious stroke or something.
Ikr tvs and ISPs, you can’t believe a word of their marketing. I mean honestly everything else too, but if anyone was going to complain…
It was a terrible movie, and the book wasn’t much better.
That was the Russian response and they were right lol