“A country with experience in fab construction can build one faster and cheaper than a country with no experience”
Yeah, not really surprising
“A country with experience in fab construction can build one faster and cheaper than a country with no experience”
Yeah, not really surprising
I’m in a small Caribbean island, the steam price has always been the same price as the US price, which is very expensive compared to the average salary on the island.
So basically no regional pricing for us in the Caribbean.
On the other hand the epic store does have regional pricing for us more in line with the average salary which make the games 50% cheaper than steam.
Here is the steam price for Rimworld
Here is the Epic Game price for Rimworld
I checked other games and it’s similar.
Edit: I wish I was wrong because I’m only playing in Linux so I would really prefer buying games from Steam but now I’m seriously considering buying the games from the Epic Store, it sucks.
I never realized it before but you’re right, in my country the games are 50% cheaper on the Epic Store than they are in Steam!
I moved from proton to mailbox a few months ago and so far I’m really happy with it too
Yes, about this case of I remember well they provided the IP address of the activists.
Any email provider has to follow the law and will have to provide the information they have. The only diffidence of that in the case of proton the information they have is the IP address you used to connect to their service. For another provider the information might be all the content of your email.
The imprompted praise to Trump from proton CEO on the other hand is more concerning.
If I understand well you want to have the same OS, software, configuration and files on different devices.
You could have a look at nixos.
I’m doing something similar, I have a computer in my office for work and a laptop at home for personal use and a bit of work.
I have a config shared between the two computers, they share similar modules but also have their own specificities.
This way when I configure VSCode for example I get the configuration synced on both.
For synching my files I’m using a synology NAS.
Yes, this is my experience with EV too (France)
When doing a long trip I actually enjoy having to stop for recharging. It gives me a 15-20 min break to pee, her some coffee and stretch my legs without having the impression that I’m losing time.
There was a huge network of pneumatic tubes under Paris used by the postal services between 1866 and 1980.
With that you could send a letter to any address in the city that would arrive in less than 2 hours.
Apparently when doing saturation diving like that you can’t even understand what the other person says, between the helium and the pressure the voice is too distorted to be intelligible.
You can communicate with a computer that transforms your voice to be intelligible but it is really not a pleasant conversation so you can stay there for weeks without having a conversation except for the bare minimum.
All the plants still work in summer during heatwaves. When they stop it’s because they are not essential at the time (electricity consumption is lower in summer than winter) and to protect the river ecosystem. Since the water is already very hot and stressing the ecosystem they don’t want to add more heat into the river.
In the mean time the carbon intensity of France was 31CO2/kWh in 2024, Germany was at 364gCO2/kWh. 12 times more.
But it is going down for both countries, so it’s a good point.
If it has an operating speed of 450km/h this would be impressive.
But just reaching this speed is far from a world record, the French TGV record from 1990 is 513km/h, it reached 574.8km/h in 2007 which is the current world record.
The fairphone 5 is on android 14 and android 15 has only started to be deployed 2 months ago.
A lot of people will be happy not to have windows update asking to restart the computer anymore.
It’s not that surprising once you know that their goal is to be completely independent for their US for their military equipment.
It includes the nuclear bomb, missiles, fighter jet, aircraft carrier, submarines, even space capabilities (even if this last part has been lacking a bit lately).
They don’t have the US military budget but they want the same level of technology without any ties to the US.
It means that they are exporting a lot to compensate for the high investments they are pouring into military technology.
Here is the share of global arms export per country.
Germany, Italy and the UK are also big exporters but still behind France.
France’s military industry is having wet dreams thinking about it.
If the US pulls out of NATO France becomes the biggest arms exporter of NATO and I would expect other countries will become less enthusiastic at the idea of buying US weapons systems.
4 more hours to wait !
In the meantime Arianespace divided by 3 their number of rocket launches
Factorio !
I would imagine they use the microphone, accelerometer, some processing power and internet connectivity (WiFi or mobile).
Trying to set up a dedicated hardware with ask that would cost way more than just buying a bunch of pixel phone.
Same for the software, on a smartphone you can just create an app that will record and process all the information vs creating a custom firmware on a custom hardware.
I guess there is also the availability of the technicians.
Finding someone to develop and maintain an android app is much easier than finding someone to maintain a custom hardware/firmware.