Okay but nvidia drivers? Could you choose a more volatile topic? Those things have never not been a problem lol.
Okay but nvidia drivers? Could you choose a more volatile topic? Those things have never not been a problem lol.
That’s not really a sensible way to deal with instructions if they’re the only ones available for a specific tool. Old does not mean anything.
Yeah I find it weird when I see instructions that still reference apt-get.
Well yeah but my point was really just that it’s a goofy name. Not instead of, more like as opposed to.
P.S. interesting factoid that I didn’t know. Thanks. But with regard to your caveat: did you mean that apt-get predates zypper? Because that’s sufficient.
Yeah I think there’s a way to see it from either perspective.
Meh… I find it refreshing that they set aside formality. It’s part of what makes the Linux world a little different in a good way. Unlike the big corporate world with lots of Capital letters and ™ legal © symbols everywhere.
Jesus, they use Zypper instead of as opposed to APT, now this. Do they have some kind of a traditional ritual of getting high before naming these things?
I think relearn how to use a computer is a real stretch. Like colossal. Plenty of distros and DEs make it even easier than Windows, can look exactly like either, and are far less accident prone.
Very different questions though. Linux offers massive and plentiful advantages over both of those.
I am not disagreeing with the familiarity idea, though; change terrifies most people.
Actually back in the early days of Microsoft before the huge antitrust case, their deal was if you want any computers to license windows, you can’t offer anything except windows on any computers.
Detox. Cool I’ll check it out. Thank you!
I haven’t tried because I don’t know exactly how to go about it. I said the ideas I think would conceivably work but I don’t know the specifics to make it happen.
I don’t know what kind of shit LEDs you’ve been buying but I’ve yet to ever have to replace one. Been using them for many years already.
Yeah Apple doesn’t do this to the users whatsoever.
Glad to hear that, but I still see one post after another where people have problems, so I think reality maybe doesn’t comply quite as you’d like to think.