As a software engineer I’m down to help out on this, free of charge.
As a software engineer I’m down to help out on this, free of charge.
Par for the course based on Uber’s history. I stopped using them in lieu of a local/community app…which is honestly absolute garbage, but it is essentially completely pass-through and free for my local area restaurants to use.
Fantastic read!
For me, they’re also useful because a lot of my jobs don’t allow remote software to be installed on laptops, so I use something like this to be able to remote in still.
Ohhhh, wow. Ridiculous.
What’s the point of underclocking the CPU?
That they’ll be together in the same area at the same time. Do with that what you will.
Anyone have tips for someone wanting to do the same but have two hurdles?
Need multi-org account support for Teams due to multiple contracts across different orgs. At the moment I could run Windows in a VM for it but then notifications are rough. An option is running teams in multiple browser profiles / tabs but this is also not entirely ideal (6-7 profiles/tabs just for teams is rough). Any clever ideas welcome, or someone who may have experience with Matrix bridges to accommodate this somehow? Does that work for adhoc calls?
Speedy remote desktop. Parcel seems to be the closest in speed to RDP thus far, but it doesn’t consistently transmit shortcut keys which makes development difficult. Any other suggestions, gladly welcome.
3. (no longer an issue) if you’ve seen my past comments, I used to seek an alternative to Fancy Zones, but my fix for this was to just get rid of my ultrawide and go back to multiple monitors. So this is no longer needed.
Needs less AI bullshit and then maybe I’d consider it.
Crappy-ass fine and simply a “cost of doing business” for them I bet. Damages have been done for which there is no undoing. Deplorable.
It sounds like maybe they sanitized the apostrophe to a space and then encoded it
Have you tried Kagi? It gets you access to Claude Sonnet, ChatGPT, Llama, Mistrel, etc.
I know you’re joking, but semi-related, I highly recommend the Kuhn Rikon peelers.
I hate myself for buying a John Deere tractor, but it was up to $5000 less than any comparable competitor at the time, included a 5 year service contract, and was 0.9% financing.
I’m in a better place financially now, so when I can and need to, I’m absolutely getting something different.
Interesting. Does alcohol make it worse? Like…worse than alcohol normally would?
There exist plenty of services on school campuses that send passwords in plaintext. There are services outside of school campuses that do, too. Hell, I’ve been able to bypass 2FA checks by just navigating around them, I don’t know what else to tell you, not everything out there uses the best security practices, so don’t assume that they do.
I mean, yes, I’m in my 40s, but it’s just as effective today.
I’m not even an expert in this stuff, but with a tool I found online I demonstrated that it was easy to snoop people’s passwords on my school’s wifi networks back in the day. It took minutes.
Canceled my sub last night, ported everything to Tuta today. No issues this far.
Super disappointing, but is what it is and I’ll move on.