MJ12 Detachment Agent
I wouldn’t be so sure that SQ42 will be a guaranteed slam dunk as many SC fans seem to be speculating. That’s if it ever does get released or course.
The gameplay in the recent demo is subpar. FPS combat in particular was trash, far worse than HL1; a game released more than a quarter of a century ago. Turret gunning and the platforming parts looked decent but they are not going to carry the game. No example of player controlled space flight was shown.
The space battles looked nice in a b-movie kind of way, but I have my doubts how this will translate to fun space flight gameplay.
From SC, we know that they have a very history of even basic conceptual balance and they are horrible at iterative play testing.
Regarding the Hollywood cast, Gary Oldman sounded like he wanted to get his money and get out of there ASAP. Anderson wasn’t much better. Writing was some high school-level drivel “we must win because we must!” and lots of shouty one liners. There is a very real possibility that the whole thing will be a Wing Commander: The Movie - 30 hours of tedious custscenes. And you just know it’s going to take itself extremely seriously (think the space bulldozer scene in Wing Commander).
Looking at the UI/UX of SC, it’s not unreasonable to assume SQ42 will suffer the same sorry fate. Very flashy ironman-style UI visuals that are nigh unusable in a video game.
Let’s see what happens.
This makes me really want to try both HL1 and HL2 in VR. 😜
I am not sure I want to play Ravenholm in VR. 😆
You tried HL1 in VR too?
Would love to try both. I wouldn’t even mind HL1 in VR (HL1 is my favourite in the series, other release are exemplary as well).
I should honestly try the 3rd one. These days I don’t really play FPSs other than replaying HL1/HL2 (and their expansions) and Max Payne 1/2 usually in back to back sessions.
I would of course play HL3 (still have to play HLA; I don’t have an index).
The original was definitely the best (haven’t played Max Payne 3 though), but I thought the sequel was solid enough.
Every 2-3 years I do a replay of both games back to back. It’s almost like a single package for me.
I am aware of Nvidia DSR. I have not had much luck with it with the various indie games that I play.
It’s because ML enhanced graphics are perceived as “good enough” by the majority of consumers.
I am no game dev, but I will speculate that optimization is difficult, expensive (time/cost) and quickly reached a point of diminishing returns.
That being said, I personally prefer SSAA anti-aliasing, but I play heavily CPU-bound games that rarely stress my graphics card. But the SSAA ship has sailed, very few games offer this mode.
I was hoping for a more simulator/tycoon game. 😀
Did that Bible game include gameplay around setting up a “church” that was actually a political donation front to promote political parties that would limit free access to healthcare for the population (under the auspices of lower taxes and “market driven solutions to healthcare”)?
Or was the gameplay lazy and uninspired?
Current AAA titles almost certainly have comparable development costs.
If you have 1,000 FTEs with a blended per-FTE annual cost of $100 K (I would argue this could be higher in North America and Western Europe) that works out to $100 M per year of development.
How do the dynamic elements (motorcycle patrols, arrival of reinforcements) work?
I’ve never played a “PvE” boardgame like this.
I find it difficult to believe that FSR 4.0 will be exclusive to the 9,000 series.
This seems to be an early leak without the full context.
Didn’t he get all fucked up and miserable from all that money from the sale to MS?
Really dislike the style and tone of this particular youtuber. A lot of the clips I’ve encountered with make him sound like a shill or someone whose primary audience is children.
I stopped playing consoles after my first Sega Mega Drive (most of the games I like work better on M+KB), but I’ve been meaning to try and play some N64 games in an emulator. And HD texture and quality mods would be a nice addition.
I heard that this one does have pretty dark, sleazy motifs.
Tried the demo out, it’s a very stylish game and with it’s own unique take on movie production (somewhat similar to how you develop games in Mad Games Tycoon). Seemed promising, although I do wonder how well the core movie production gameplay works in the mid to late game.
I’ve tried it out. It’s actually a pretty solid early-access game. Excellent atmosphere and setting.
Respect to the dev with being so open with the community.