No shit. If you artificially limit your customer base… and then open up.
No shit. If you artificially limit your customer base… and then open up.
French electricity leaves the chat in summer when their plants need to be shut down because the rivers are too warm or don’t carry enough water in the first place. And that’s nothing to say what they will do in the next decade years when a good portion of their reactors should be commissioned out.
Scalability is not viability.
Not really. Tim Sweeney would sell his grandmother to appear cool / anti-establishment / consumer friendly - while trying everything to establish Epic Store as a monopoly. Once he achieves that, he would lick boots just like the others.
My impression came from headlines like this:
Tech moguls Altman, Bezos and Zuckerberg donate to Trump’s inauguration fund
I didn’t follow these donation news too closely, but from the headlines it always sounded like they do it personally!? Maybe Trump makes a point out of it that it comes from them personally? Would make them personally attached to him.
Exactly, enterprise world. Letsencrypt doesn’t aim for that.
Which of them is free?
A hundred euro is quite a difference. Didn’t expect it to be that much, tbh.
The only consolation is that, with the discounter sets, you will get something that has been tried and tested and everything is according to the relevant technical standards. Should be, anyway.
Any of the Discounters, really. ALDI, Lidl, Netto, etc have regular offers in their online shops.
You really took the downvotes with grace.
Totally the same /s
In my experience: the higher up the management chain, the higher the chance that they are just in for the bonuses - not for the company / industry. And those bonuses are always bound to these numbers which need to go up. When the numbers go down, these people are long gone.
The first people to leave aren’t going to be the clock punchers, it will be the best and brightest who can easily find other jobs.
Yes. But some of them are also the most expensive ones, so when they leave costs go down. And we all know “numbers must go up” (=cost must go down).
You are correct. It was a monoculture forest and designed to be cut down sooner or later anyway.
In another comment you say yourself they are not developing games. What’s your point? You’re just arguing to argue now.
CS 2 and is missing key features, a working anticheat included, and is not getting any meaningful content for months (the missing features included).
My bad with HLA. But CS2 is a glorified engine update, and is not even near the features CSGO had. In the current state the game is a mess.
Sure they are working on it. All 3 three developers. Which is exactly my point. It’s impossible to compare valve to the other studios, because valve isn’t making games anymore. They just happen to own some eternal IPs where the fan base (myself included) eats their shit.
Well, they don’t develop any games. You don’t require a lot of people to run a store.
“Their” last game, Counter Strike Global Offensive, is 12 years old, and was developed by a contractor: Hidden Path Entertainment. Ony then Valve took over to maintain it. And anyone familiar with the current situation around the game (CS2) knows how much “development” is going on there.
Never heard of CarX. But I’ll check it out.
That question is so broad it cannot be answered.
There’s a myriad of games which are or have been wildly popular (e.g. Mario, CS, GTA, WoW, Minecraft, Fortnite)
There’s games which pushed the borders to new limits (e.g. Tetris, Doom, WoW, VR Chat)
And there’s games which warped the industry or their players (e.g. mobile games, micro transactions, loot boxes)