This interface is laughably terrible. For one, everything should be tabs: you should drag files from one tab to another completely blind. For another, I can see the scrollbars which is just bad. Further, there should be a giant ad at the header/footer which shills bitcoin. Finally, the password field shouldn’t be obscured but synced to our online Safe™ for easy retrieval at just 12.99 a month.
We’ve sure come a long way since those primitive days…
I genuinely wonder why MS hasn’t added FTP to Windows Explorer in all these years. It would’ve fixed so many issues
explorer does have ftp support. not sure which windows version added it, but it’s been a feature for a while.
It came with either Windows 2000 or XP.
At my first developer job 25 years ago, any time we made a change in the code we had to add a comment at the end of each modified line with our initials and the date, because we had no version control.
When I graduated from university in 2020, my classmates still zipped the entire project and dated it with “final”, “final(2)”, and “final-forrealnow”. This is extra sad, because they did this in a class, where we were taught version control. Out of the 50-something people in my lab for that class, maybe like 3 people outside of me didn’t express hatred for it
Oh, they are experienced seniors! I saw people zipping the package with: “project-new”, “project-new(1)”, “copy of project-new(1)”
/sarc 🤡
That’s a thing I never understood. Everyone knows this problem but until now ther isn’t a single Filesystem for linux that support version control native.
That‘s how I still do it today, 'cause: no version control. 🙈 I wished I could use Git. But im my customer project there isn’t any…
there’s absolutely no reason you can’t use git
Yes, if your customers insist on storing the source files on IBM i in “QSYS.LIB” and you are not allowed to develop locally in you favorite IDE. The old “AS/400 developers” fight tooth and nail to store the source code in the in the database instead of “Integrated File System”, so it’s always a pain. 🤮 Fortunately there is IBM BOB which makes transfer really easy.
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People calling this a horrible UI have clearly never used SAP…
I have never used SAP, I have used this extensively, I believe you
I personally am familiar with 2 organisations with millions of dollars in annual revenue that deploy critical line of business applications like this in 2024
Ftp deployments are supported in azure web apps too, and widely used.
I just came by an org recently that serves intermediate ca certs that way ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
With something like this, how do you handle the period of time while copying? I mean you can’t really leave it running as it wouldn’t be in a consistent state. A “under maintenance” page instead? Copy to a fresh folder and when done tell the webserver to serve the new location?
It depends. I’ve done it a few different ways:
- YOLO: especially with thugs like PHP you only affect one page at a time and with low traffic the odds of a problem is small
- Maintenance page: temporarily show a page. Some servers like IIS have this built in. Otherwise it’s a simple update to httpd conf
- In a cluster environment, just take the node you’re updating out of rotation, and only update one node at a time.
- Copy and switch like you suggested. Can be combined with any of the above and is a smart move if upload is slow or can be interrupted, or it’s cumbersome to restore the old files
Edit: spelling
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Tomcat 7.x is considered “fairly new” in my current company. Log4j didn’t hit us because the libraries we used were
too oldstable.Dude in 2022 I was working at a company that had the same password on all PCs because when your on holiday the others could access the code they deployed over ftp and did live debugging and sometimes development by checking the IP and execute the “debug” code when the IP matched the static IP of the company. They kicked me out a few weeks before my probation time was up. Looking back best thing I got out of there and found a better place.
OMG, this is awful!!
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So there were only 5 ppl. At the company out of 11 that were actually fully paid a normal wage the rest were doing their apprenticeship so only like 600 - 1000 € p.m. And that’s how the company made money. In Germany you have 6 months of probation when you start at a new workplace in these 6 months ether party can cancel the work contract without giving any reason after the 6 months are up the normal worker protection laws kick in and it’s basically impossible to get fired without being grossly negligent. Anyhow I got let go 2 weeks before that period was up they said (for me the first time hearing it) that they “weren’t satisfied with my performance” and that was that.
What’s this fancy shit? I need to mstsc into the Windows desktop and ctrl+c & ctrl+v a zip for IIS web deploy
Wait, 31 is an oldtimer ?!
The early twenties intermediate dev on my team was explaining the other week that if you remember a time before smartphones and broadband, you are old
My wife pointed out to me a couple of years ago that I was simultaneously the oldest person on our Dev team, and the youngest person in our church.
Plugging a modem into the POTS made them smart I say.
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I use this to deploy stuff on my web server
Odd way to spell SideKick
Still use it for my OG Xbox
SAP still seems to do it this way.
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Used to drag the zip file into the network drive, unpack it into the www folder (IIS restart triggered by a chance to the web.config file), and then used Beyond Compare to sync the changes across to the other server.