I’ve sunk probably a thousand hours into Slay the Spire, have beaten Hades, and just finished Cult of the Lamb. Looking for something else to scratch that itch- preferably on switch. Any suggestions?
Update: Y’all convinced me. I bought Binding of Isaac and am excited to start. I also tried out Dead Cells via Netflix, but feel like I’d prefer it with a controller compared to mobile. Gonna start with Isaac, and wait for a sale on Dead Cells. Thank you for all the recommendations! I’m saving this thread for future reference.
People play games on netflix?
It’s a new and frightening world out there
I see them on netflix being advertised but I never considered people played them lol
They annoyingly have some proprietary licensing. Cozy Grove 2 was Netflix only. I only have it because my spouse’s comfort show is on Netflix, otherwise it’s going to be gone
It’s possible to find APKs with the Netflix login patched out. I’ve been playing Into the Breach recently.
Into the Breach released on netflix when its game feature launched. Its one of the best games I have ever played.
I’m thrilled that Into the Breach is available on Android, massively disappointed that I cannot purchase it. But at least that means patched APKs exist…