I never heard it called the Elvis operator! Thanks!
It’s because if you turn it 90° to the right, it looks like Elvis’ hair with two eyes underneath!
I saw it the other way, with the question mark as the curl of his lip.
Mfw I’m checking for null
Holy shit
It was called Elvis back when it was a smiley
I don’t understand this. Small brained users rise up
On the left you have Elvis Presley, while on the right there’s the so-called Elvis operator
been programming since 2008. the fuck is an elvis operator?
Been programming since the 80s, ditto.
Ternary if?then:else
gotacha. i’ve only ever heard them called ternaries. maybe i’m old. maybe i’m too young. definitely one of the two
It specifically refers to this shorthand
that works like this:$value = $thing_that_could_be_truthy ?: 'fallback value'; # same as $value = $thing_that_could_be_truthy ? $thing_that_could_be_truthy : 'fallback value';
The condition is also the value if it is truthy
It’s a shorthand for writing this:
variable = if (input != null) input else default
This is equivalent:
variable = input ?: default
The answers confusing it with the ternary operator are wrong.
why would you call it anything other than the ternary operator
Because it’s not one. Ternary operator is A ? B : C, Elvis operator is A ?: B. The same two characters are involved, but both the syntax and effect is different.
The second one isn’t valid syntax in any programming language I’m familiar with. What does it do?
It’s a shorthand for writing this:
variable = if (input != null) input else default
This is equivalent:
variable = input ?: default
Huh. Neat feature.
It’s in Kotlin and some other languages. C# has it but there it’s actually
A ?? B
Read further down on my other comment to understand, it’s just how the operator looks
Kotlin user spotted
php too
…but we don’t talk about php
php doesn’t exist, php can’t hurt you
You have absolutely nothing to worry about. If PHP existed we would have sophisticated methods of detecting it, and it would pose literally no threat to anyone.
aah my favorite template engine, I have seen it so long ago
Oh unfortunately these imaginary pains are those which hurt every day
(run { this@comment.parent?.apply { this.value === true } } == true) ?: if ((this@comment.value as? Boolean) != true true) false else true
Nobody’s assuming Groovy these days then 😂
I’ve been working in Jenkins pipeline for a while now.
Why the fuck is Groovy?
Well Grails didn’t stick around for long, but Gradle was only available with Groovy for many years before they added Kotlin support.
I will never call this the “Elvis” operator. That’s as dumb as dog shit. It’s called the ternary operator.
I had to go into the comments to find that out. Is this like an old people thing?