Over the last century, the Land of the Free has slowly transformed into a land governed by endless laws, largely by cracking down on vices instead of actual crimes, creating a society that would render us all criminals if our behavior were constantly observed. Meanwhile, the state has steadily expanded its use of mass surveillance, largely under the pretext of fighting “terror.”
This is a toxic mixture.
I absolutely oppose universal kill switches and I’m not insane. Something about that pesky “innocent 'till proven guilty” thing. If you lose that privilege, you get a breathalyzer lock. That’s fair. But I haven’t used “smart” tech in a car that hasn’t bugged out in unpredictable ways and this won’t be an exception. Technology that overrides driver input is a risk to those the vehicle belongs and that’s unacceptable to me.
“Innocent until proven guilty” has nothing to do with it. When a cop stops you he’s not indicting you. Switching your gas off remotely replaces chasing calling in reinforcements and chasing you over several blocks when you start speeding up, or flipping your car over. Both of those already impair or override the driver’s input quite a bit.
Having the opinion that your driver input should override the cop’s order to stop, and that society should trust you to stop instead of putting a kill switch in your engine is an insane opinion, and prime driver entitlement.
And I would love the same for drivers without insurance, license removals and cars that didn’t pass the tech inspection
I absolutely oppose universal kill switches and I’m not insane. Something about that pesky “innocent 'till proven guilty” thing. If you lose that privilege, you get a breathalyzer lock. That’s fair. But I haven’t used “smart” tech in a car that hasn’t bugged out in unpredictable ways and this won’t be an exception. Technology that overrides driver input is a risk to those the vehicle belongs and that’s unacceptable to me.
“Innocent until proven guilty” has nothing to do with it. When a cop stops you he’s not indicting you. Switching your gas off remotely replaces chasing calling in reinforcements and chasing you over several blocks when you start speeding up, or flipping your car over. Both of those already impair or override the driver’s input quite a bit.
Having the opinion that your driver input should override the cop’s order to stop, and that society should trust you to stop instead of putting a kill switch in your engine is an insane opinion, and prime driver entitlement.
And I would love the same for drivers without insurance, license removals and cars that didn’t pass the tech inspection