I’m Canadian and cannot vote in the US election, even though it’ll affect us a lot (when a sleeping elephant rolls over…)
However, it drives me nuts looking at US polls. Harris is ahead by 2.4 points on average, which translates to something like 5-6 million in popular vote. But due to the electoral college system, it’s still a tossup! 538 is running monte carlo simulations based on state-specific polling and margins of error, and Harris is only winning ~54% of the time. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2024-election-forecast/
So I say this kindly, as your northern neighbour, please please go vote :D
We will likely have our own election in 2025 complete with buffoonery.
We will likely have our own election in 2025 complete with buffoonery.
With smarmy ephemeral know-it-all career-politician candidate fully prepped in his pressed blue jeans and cool new contacts as his sole attempt to ‘reach’ us plebes. Maybe if we avoid supporting his science denier counterpart regionally it’ll have some damping effect nationally.
Maybe one day we will get a platform from them so we know what he actually stands for other than “Trudeau bad”. Without a platform we can only rely on soundbites compiled over time. And I really don’t think investing in Bitcoin is sound federal fiscal policy…
I’m Canadian and cannot vote in the US election, even though it’ll affect us a lot (when a sleeping elephant rolls over…)
However, it drives me nuts looking at US polls. Harris is ahead by 2.4 points on average, which translates to something like 5-6 million in popular vote. But due to the electoral college system, it’s still a tossup! 538 is running monte carlo simulations based on state-specific polling and margins of error, and Harris is only winning ~54% of the time. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2024-election-forecast/
So I say this kindly, as your northern neighbour, please please go vote :D
We will likely have our own election in 2025 complete with buffoonery.
With smarmy ephemeral know-it-all career-politician candidate fully prepped in his pressed blue jeans and cool new contacts as his sole attempt to ‘reach’ us plebes. Maybe if we avoid supporting his science denier counterpart regionally it’ll have some damping effect nationally.
Maybe one day we will get a platform from them so we know what he actually stands for other than “Trudeau bad”. Without a platform we can only rely on soundbites compiled over time. And I really don’t think investing in Bitcoin is sound federal fiscal policy…
As a fellow Canadian, I also cannot vote in the US election, but I support this message.
To my American neighbors, please make a plan to vote.