rm -rf / won’t even run. Only sudo rm -rf / --no-preserve-root will
rm -rf / won’t even run. Only sudo rm -rf / --no-preserve-root will
Windows too
Isn’t this GPL license violation? GPL clearly states that the license must be preserved
I can also understand it as a temporatory solution. I understand that Linus wouldn’t want to see his product used by russians commiting war crimes. They can still contribute to linux apps, only the kernel is prohibited. But i think if the situation gets better, russians should be allowed to contribute again. But i got much more upset on that people call Mozilla woke for its moderation efforts to combat hate speech aimed on marginalized groups. War criminals and the far-right has no place in any open-source community, as the concept itself is closer to the left wing by nature. I might be a bit unpopular with this, these are controversial stuff
Most modern androids enforce it btw
Yes, android is actually a very secure system if you get rid of the vendor rom and google
He is not the type of developer who would allow it
Only because they use Linux too and had to make it public as Linux is a public, open-source kernel
Thats’s intresting. I only use linux as vms, or on ny android Termux interface, since 4 months and i could install arch with archinstall and nowadays i’m almost done it without archinstall. I will also plan to write my own “bootloader” if grub and systemd-boot acts up, which grub did. I also wrote this script that creates a log file from your open ports using nmap and saves it with the current date:
clear ; pkg install nmap && sudo nmap -O >> “log$(date +%Y%m%d-%H).txt” && echo “/n/nlog file saved to $(pwd)/log$(date +%Y%m%d-%H).txt” ; nano “log$(date +%Y%m%d-%H).txt”
I haven’t used either, but compiled a lot of C source code and they compiled or could be adjusted easier even for someone who barely knows what printf, fopen, or #include are
i never said you can’t. But high level languages were made for high level programming, and low level for low level programming. If you only know C, sure, you can write a desktop music player, but it will be much harder than just using Java, or even Python, since both of these languages are known about their extensive prewritten libraries. And you have to write much less, which means less room for error. Using a high level language will also benefit you if you decide to port your app to a drasticly different operating system. You can use the same codebase for Python, and for Java too to seamlessly run the program on any other os supported by these languages. In C, you need to adjust a lot of things, i know from experience that Linux C source can compile and run on windows, but it is extremely rare and can introduce bugs. However, you are right that C is highly multifunctional. If you know it, you can write any low level software or desktop app. And it also runs mich faster than any high level intrepeted language. And even if i could be considered a beginner, i actually study software development and testing, so i have an idea what i’m talking about
Linux can be configured to have much better security, even by someone knowing a little about computers due to its open-source nature. And it is especially true to my case, since i’m an IT student Can you change to a hardened kernel on Windows? I use Helios kernel even on my android, which is designed to be more secure than the stock one. And there are distros which come preconfigured for security. Not much skill is needed to have a secure Linux system. But you can be a highly proficient sysadmin on Windows, but you will still depend on a few thousand Microsoft employees to fix your system. On Linux, there are millions of people and various corporations are actively working to make it secure, and even you could, if you are really highly skilled. For someone who doesn’t know what a pendrive is, yes, Windows might be more secure than something like Ubuntu or any basic distro (and they propably can’t use anything more advanced and secure by design).
But it doesn’t take much skill to choose a highly secure linux distro, like Bazzite, Garuda, or even Qubes and use it, or maybe even harden your own. Android, which is also based on Linux is not secure by default, but in the hands of the right person, it can be a suprisingly secure system
the author of C++ said that C gives you many opportunities to shoot yourself in the leg. You have a much less chance for this to happen with C++, but when it does, you will blow your whole lower body off
for command line apps bash, python, perl, ruby and similiar high level languages are more than enough. You can write some Kali Lincox the louder you are the less you hear network probe stuff with any of these, or even a storage optimizer (BleachBit is almost entirely written in Python, which is a very highly abstracted language implemented from C) Rust and C are only needed for performance-crtitical stuff (like rythm games) or/and directly interacting with hardware (drivers, firmware, system functions)
you are just exploiting my words. I never said Linux will protect me whatever happens. But it will have a better protection inherently, than any windows
bootkitty wasn’t implemented ever and if you use GUID Partition Table and your bios is set to uefi without csm, it can’t affect you, since Bootkitty embeds itself into the Master Boot Record and there exploits the LogoFail vulrenability (this was already patched btw) with as far as i remember, a self-extracting steganographical bitmap image for arbritary code execution to bypass Secure Boot with injecting face certifications to Moklist. Also, it only runs on select devices, far from all Linux systems are vulrenabe.
there are much less vulrenabilities on Linux. No system is totally unpenetrable, but having 2-5 vulrebabilities is always better than having 30-40
most antivirus apps are very invasive, heavy on resources and even spy on you. Windows defender is usually enough. However, virustotal is still recommended
there is an update, i applied it at the weekend
Most Linux haters have skill issue. I mean you can apply a complete Windows-mimicking skin to Ubuntu or Mint and use that