Hi, Ted!
Hi, Ted!
I feel like one day the common practice to combat Microsoft’s enshittification of Windows (besides dropping it altogether) will stop being “download this program and disable all the garbage with registry edits A-Z” to “download this fighting AI that will be in a constant battle with Microsoft’s AI to try and stop it from spying on you”.
I’ve noticed it getting worse as well. It ducking sucks now.
Thank you 🙏🏻 this is a great ELI5 for my smooth brain!
Man, this is what I fear trying to get into homelab’ing. I’m just so naive to networking I’m afraid I’ll break everything. The most I’ve ever accomplished was Plex on my PC, Plex app elsewhere and PC has to have Plex running to work. That and I built a NAS (when really I just wish it was a DAS I could tether to multiple PC’s at once), and I barely made it though tutorials to get that working.
I feel like I need to buy a textbook because I’m so clueless on the basics I can’t even get started, since almost any tutorial online assumes you know the bare bones basics. Like I literally don’t know what DHCP is, how it works, or even what it stands for.
At the very least your post has inspired me to try to start trying again. Maybe there’s a textbook I can pick up to start learning this super basic groundwork, or maybe a course online.
I made this prediction before kind of joking, but I feel like it could still end up this way, where in the near future we’ll all be installing a FOSS AI after a fresh install whose sole job is to target the corpo AI’s on our local machines and continuously cripple them.