I have a sneaking suspicion that most memes are from CS students, it all makes sense. People with jobs don’t have time to make memes, get angsty about languages, or syntax issues.
Unfortunately this idea tracks with a lot of online content. People who have time and energy to be extremely opinionated about things generally either don’t have a lot else going on, or have direct personal experience that led to their strong views. As people get older and life gets busier people seem far more likely to just do whatever they need to get by and shut up about it.
Seriously, go look up some of the user demographics polls and analysis that was done against various subs on the old site. Most users are/were college age or younger even. Puts a lot of the “sillier” subs like relationshipadvice into context.
This guy fucks^
In my opinion this is a problem with the internet in general, younger people tend to crave attention and often receive the most online because of the anonymous platform it gives them.
As I approach 35 I find myself half writing comments and deleting them because I don’t fucking care. This time I will press send
Dude, imagine taking the time out of your day to actually make a meme (like the one posted). I really can’t be bothered.
So we need to post more? So that fewer are missing?
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