Man i miss log books like in pokemon platine (a thing that recall the 20 last actions you did before you saved when you load a save)
For me it’s trying to remember what I was doing, realizing I’m right outside the door of an extremely difficult boss that I’d given up on, and now i also have no idea how to play anymore. At that point I either uninstall the game to wait longer or I flush the save and start anew.
When you’re 50, it’s 7 days.
And forget having two games on the go at the same time
Steam literally has a notes feature for this exact thing
Do I have to write the notes, or does steam do
magiccommunity notes?They’re your notes. Pull them up in Steam Overlay.
For me anyways, it’s less “what was I doing?” and more “how do I not be an incompetent combat derp?”
I recently fired up God of War after a few months on a different game and promptly got slaughtered for the next 90 minutes straight until I could re-learn all the combos, special abilities, and enemy attack patterns.
Is that Rodney Mckay?
quentin tarantino
Worse, it’s quentin tarantino
Leave yourself notes! On PC, Steam Categories and desktop shortcut names are enough for little hints and nudges.
In sandbox games you can use signs to make a todo list.
Valheim: signs posted next to bed (spawn)
- Get iron
- Get fine wood
- Farm leeches
- upgrade boat
Hot damn, that sounds like the best combination golf and fishing trip ever!
Ope, that was fun. Time to eat.
I do not know who I am. I do not know why I am here. All I know is that I must kill.
I was knee deep in a plot to get one of my children on the throne of France in CK3 when I stopped playing. I was doing something like setting up a matrilineal marriage with the very old king’s grandson of his second born son while plotting to murder the firstborn son. The king’s firstborn son managed to pop out an heir which I had to murder as well. What was funny was how om board all of the baby king’s court was with murdering him. Basically everyone joined in lol.
I always start by pressing all the buttons to remember what does what
Oh this was me booting up Xenoblade Chronicles 2 this weekend after probably 6-9 months away.
I did this with Death Stranding a few weeks ago, and was trying to decide whether to continue and not know what was going on or just play from the start. But I ended up finding a playthrough from a streamer I like on Youtube, so I just watched those to get caught up.
I took break from Silent Hill 2. I logged in and used up all my health and shot at a door. Had no idea what the buttons were. After reloading, I was a like, “Ah, great… What the fuck am I looking for?”