It’s pretty crazy how much they can raise employees salary by getting rid of ceo pay.
If the company had 1000 workers, they could each get a 30k raise.
You serious?
For real though. Yes the CEO can get a pay cut, but that is unlikely to save more than a few individuals. The costs of labour are just that high, often the highest of all costs a company has. That’s why laying off staff, although terrible, is the best way to save money for a company.
I agree that CEOs earn waaaaay to much for what they actually do, but cutting that is not the magic solution people imagine it is.
Even the famous pay cut by Shigeru Miyamoto of Nintendo was accompanied by other cost saving measures in the company, and only because Japanese law demands that layoffs be the last thing a company does.
I agree that CEOs earn waaaaay to much for what they actually do, but
No but required. It sounds like you agree. Some of us are just more mad about it.
It would have been a better post without the “y’all are stupid” laughter at the very start (though it might probably have been downvoted even then, but maybe less, for whatever that is worth). I agree with the business part of what you wrote.
Cool comic but is it necessary that we see corpo and ceo bad posts every day? I didnt know this is boringdystopia. Lets either coordinate strikes or not talk about it at all.
Not talk about it at all? That’s kinda… Stupid. That’s stupid.
Fine… maybe I should have said not talk about it every day?
Respectfully, fuck that. The fascists have been hard at work moving the Overton window to their side. The left should be doing the same
Well absolutely. How do you think this will be achieved?